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Not to be confused with Giorgio Forelli, a mentioned character in both Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Vice City Stories.
My hotdog is real tasty, but my wife, she don't want it.
— Giorgio's metaphorical speech.

Giorgio is a character appearing as a random character in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.


Events of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars[]

First Encounter[]

Giorgio can be found on a street corner in East Island City, Dukes. Giorgio suspects his wife Phyllis is cheating on him with another man. He wants Huang to bug his wife's car in Hove Beach so that he can track where she goes. Huang heads to Hove Beach and plants the bug under the car. Huang walks away to see the wife enter her car and drive away. The reward for completing this mission is $20.

Second Encounter[]

Giorgio can found at a hotdog stand in front the Municipal Pool in Steinway, Dukes. Giorgio wants Huang to drive him over to where his wife is, Huang drives to South Slopes and Giorgio finds out that his wife has become a prostitute. Fed up with everything, Giorgio pays her $20 for sex. The reward for completing this mission is $20.

Video Walkthrough[]


GTA Chinatown Wars - All Random Characters


  • It is possible to kill him and his wife; at the end of the second encounter the player can shoot Giorgio's wife's car and it will explode, killing them. This has no impact on the storyline whatsoever.


[ ve ]Characters in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
ProtagonistHuang Lee
Main charactersWu "Kenny" Lee | Hsin Jaoming | Chan Jaoming | Zhou Ming | Wade Heston | Lester Leroc | Rudy D'Avanzo | Xin Shan | Ling Shan
Minor charactersJimmy Capra | Mr. Wong | Chen | Chow Chin | Chun Chun Fung | Meredith | Minigun Wonsu Assassin | Noh | Triad Rookie | Uri | Indian Inn's manager | Indian Inn's waiter | Mobster | Goombah | Irish Street Race Champion | Wade Heston's Dealer
Random charactersAlonso | Cherie | Giorgio | Phyllis | Guy | Marcy | Selma | Tommy | Wilhelm
Drug DealersAdam | Andy | Ash | Ben | Big B. | Bison | Bone | Borris | Broko | Caleb | Cazza | Cheaves | Clay | Chewy | Chung-Hee | Clucky | Daniel | Danny | Darius | Dayton | Decjuan | Eddie | Edmundo | El Burro | El Mezzerino | FatLad | Fu-Kang | Goober | Hobel | Hyun-Su | Ivan | Jack | Jahir | Jamal | Joe | Jorge | Josh | Jung-Su | Kwan | Lance | Langley | Lars | Lee | Lez | Liam | Long-Yang | Luke | Macca | Markoolio | Matze | MC Krazy | McSchnurke | Mike | Osama | Pingu | Posch | Ricci | Rob | RP | Samwise | Schroeder | Sean | Serge | Shimmer | Spaz | Stephko | Stiggy | Tinto | Tosh | Trone | Tuck | Vicini | Webby | Winston | Wobbler | Wormhead | Wu Chi | Xun | Zephan | Zizero | Zubair
PSP charactersMelanie Mallard | Xai | Yardies Drug Factory Boss | Natalie Vanet | Melanie Mallard's Cameraman
SPAM Message charactersChun Woo | Father Derek | Mom | Mr. E. Mann | A. Virus | Danny B. | Roxy | Peter File | FlyBoy | Ian Flamed | Liam B. | j_nutter08 | P. Doctor | A. Shrub | Greenboy | Mark | EBankz Pro | Toni C. | Toshiko | Miles O. | Issac | Don | Uri | Al Garve | Nigel | Jack | Mr. Satan | Suzie Gaunt | Crink | Dr. Fun Bags | Vlad | Dick | Dr. Umbeppo | Bill | Mr. T. al Iban | Hugh Genics | Mentor | Friendly | Jim | Joe King | Lonely Guy
Mentioned charactersHuang Lee's Father | Huang Lee's Aunt | Lester Arnold | Brucie Kibbutz | Manny Escuela | Tony McTony | Rudy D'Avanzo's Father | Bas Rutten | Jeremy St. Ives | Joe Lawton | Jenni Taylor | Max Little | Lisa Marice Harvey
denotes Deceased, Italics denotes a status determined by the player's choice
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