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An exciting addition to your property portfolio, the iconic Darnell Bros is now for sale. Please don't be put off by the devastating that destroyed all evidence of the previous businesses. We assure you, the garment factory has been painstakingly refurbished, including the addition of a first-floor office space boasting privacy and security for all your legitimate professional needs. And this time, it's almost health and safety certified.
Maze Bank Foreclosures description.

The Garment Factory is purchasable property in Grand Theft Auto Online added in the Agents of Sabotage update.


The Garment Factory is a textile industry business under the name of the recently repaired Darnell Bros. factory building. Unlike other properties made available in previous updates, this property cannot be personalized.

The interior of the Garment Factory is a duplicate of the existing Darnell Bros. Garment Factory interior featured in Grand Theft Auto V and the original Heists in Grand Theft Auto Online. This new iteration of the interior is adapted for the year 2024 setting of the Agents of Sabotage update, including a basement level and an accessible first floor area from a previously inaccessible door. The previous original interior is still present in-game, inaccessible outside missions, and kept in-game for the replayability of the Pacific Standard Heist strand, which still takes place in its original 2013 setting regardless of the timeline advance to the 2020s in recent updates.

Players can purchase the business from Maze Bank Foreclosures after they receive a phone call from Pavel.


Upon entry, the GTA Online Protagonist takes a quick look around the legit part of the business operated by Guadaloupe Romero on the second floor, who will generate a passive income for the player, and Pavel introduces former FIB agent Jodi Marshall on the first floor.

Jodi introduces herself and installs a Darnell Inc. application on their phone, which can also be accessed via the computer inside the factory. The app gives access to The FIB Files, a series of clandestine operations to be played in the form of Robbery Contract-style progress with planning work and a finale.


Operations Level[]

Upon entering through the front doors, the player comes to the first level of the building. The doors immediately face a set of stairs to the textile workshop and living quarters, but to the right of the stairs is a set of doors to the base of operations. Inside the operations center, the player can find two desks with computer equipment; the desk closer to the elevator may be used by the player to initiate The FIB Files, while the other is Jodi Marshall's desk and is not intractable. There is also a security camera monitoring station, a lounge area with a bowl of snacks, and an ECola vending machine. The west end of the room features a kitchenette with a drinkable glass of Limey's juice and bottle of Pißwasser. The east end of the room contains the MKII Weapons Workshop, where the player can upgrade and customize their MKII weapons. The room also features an elevator down to the Basement Garage.

Behind the lounge area and northern wall of the room is the Terrorbyte storage area, where players may choose to store their Terrorbyte as an alternative to the Nightclub Garage. The player may enter and fully interact with their Terrorbyte while in this room. This room also contains a larger elevator with access to the Basement Garage.

Upper Level[]

The upper level of the factory largely contains the textile workshop, where several sewing stations and various materials are stored. Depending on the time of day, the sewing stations may be occupied with workers or vacant. On the west side of the upper level are two rooms that serve as a lounge and sleeping area for the player. In the room that once served as Lester Crest's office and heist planning area, a small office area with an intractable cigarette and ECola vending machine can be found. This room also contains the safe where the Garment Factory's daily income can be collected. Adjacent to this room is a bedroom area with a bed and small wardrobe where the player can change their outfit. On the east side of the upper level is a roof access door where players can reach the rooftop of the factory.


The rooftop of the factory received an updated roof material texture compared to its GTA V counterpart, as well as a new roof access door replacing a chimney on the northeast corner. A seating area made up of several folding chairs and a dilapidated couch can be found on the west end of the roof, facing the Downtown Los Santos skyline. Sitting on the couch offers a cinematic camera view of the Los Santos skyline. Also on the rooftop is a billboard for the Jack Howitzer television show, replacing the Republican Space Rangers billboard that originally occupied the space.

Basement Garage[]

The Basement Garage holds ten vehicle storage slots, split in groups of five by a large brick wall. On one side of the garage is an elevator allowing access back to the operations room, while the other side of the garage contains a Fast Travel access door. The Fast Travel door depicts a map of Los Santos Transit's "The Arrow" subway system. Also found in the Basement Garage is a green plastic bin with a fire-damaged photo of the factory, pairs of Bugstars coveralls, and gas masks, as well as a Carbine Rifle leaning against it. These are intended to be leftover equipment from the "Smart" approach for The Jewel Store Job in Grand Theft Auto V, which was planned within the garment factory. The photo of the factory in the bin can also be found on the wall in the heist planning room in GTA V.


The FIB Files[]

Main article: The FIB Files

Salvage Yard Robberies are a series of four clandestine operations consisting of three preparations and the main job, which are executed in a similar manner to heists. These jobs consist of freemode preparations and the finale. Each robbery targets a specific item. The FIB File marked as priority (double reward) changes every event week.

Fast Travel[]

The Basement Garage provides fast travel to five exit points around Los Santos County, implied to use the vast underground tunnel network under the city. The exit points may also be used to fast travel back to the Garment Factory basement. Using the exit points to return to the factory will also move the player's Personal Vehicle, if active, to the curb outside the factory.

The exit points are:

Bureau Tech[]

The Garment Factory allow players to upgrade their Terrorbyte with exclusive features.

  • Collectible Scanner (Cost: $1,290,000) – Allows the player to detect the location of a nearby Collectible while inside the vehicle.
  • Silent Running (Cost: $425,000) – Allows the player to hide their position from other players while remaining stationary in the vehicle.
  • Missile Lock-On Jammer (Cost: $425,000) – This option fully disables lock-on functionality from all vehicles with Homing Missile options.
  • Master Control Terminal (Cost: $1,250,000) – Used for management of all other businesses (Special Cargo, Vehicle Cargo, Motorcycle Club businesses, Supplies, Air Freight Cargo, and Nightclub businesses)

Daily Income[]

The Garment Factory employees will generate a passive income of a random value from $1,500–$2,000 daily, which can be collected from the safe on the second floor office. The safe has a maximum capacity of $100,000.


Operations Level[]

Upper Level[]


Basement Garage[]


[ ve ]Safehouses in Grand Theft Auto Online
Los Santos
Low-end0112 South Rockford Drive | 2057 Vespucci Boulevard
Medium0069 Cougar Avenue | 0115 Bay City Avenue | 0184 Milton Road | 0325 South Rockford Drive | 0504 South Mo Milton Drive | 0604 Las Lagunas Boulevard | 0605 Spanish Avenue | 1115 Boulevard Del Perro | 1162 Power Street | 12 Sustancia Road | 1237 Prosperity Street | 1561 San Vitas Street | 2143 Las Lagunas Boulevard | 4 Hangman Avenue | Dream Tower (Apartment 15)
High-endDel Perro Heights (Apartments 4, 7 and 20) | Eclipse Towers (Apartments 3, 5, 9, 31, and 40 | Penthouses suite 1, 2 and 3) | Richards Majestic (Apartments 2, 4 and 51) | 4 Integrity Way (Apartments 28, 30 and 35)
Stilt houses2862 Hillcrest Avenue | 2866 Hillcrest Avenue | 2868 Hillcrest Avenue | 2874 Hillcrest Avenue | 2113 Mad Wayne Thunder Drive | 2117 Milton Road | 2044 North Conker Avenue | 2045 North Conker Avenue | 3677 Whispymound Drive | 3655 Wild Oats Drive
Clubhouses7 Del Perro Beach | 2214 Clinton Avenue | 1778 Hawick Avenue | 137 Capital Boulevard | 75 Elgin Avenue | 1334 Roy Lowenstein Boulevard | 4 Goma Street
OfficesMaze Bank Tower | Arcadius Business Center | Maze Bank West | Lombank West
Blaine County
Low-end0232 Paleto Boulevard | 140 Zancudo Avenue | 1893 Grapeseed Avenue
Medium4401 Procopio Drive | 4584 Procopio Drive
Clubhouses2111 East Joshua Road | 101 Route 68 | 1 Paleto Boulevard | 68 Paleto Boulevard | 47 Algonquin Boulevard
MiscellaneousApartments | Galaxy Super Yacht | Offices | Clubhouses | Bunkers | Hangars | Facilities | Nightclubs | Maze Bank Arena | Kosatka | Auto Shops | Agencies | Acid Lab (Brickade 6x6) | Salvage Yards | Bail Offices | Garment Factory
Safehouses (Category) | Safehouses in GTA Online (Category) | Properties in GTA Online (Category)