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The GIGN (Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale) and DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure) are the French security services featured in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.


GIGN is a military special forces unit, comparable to the British SAS, while DGSE is an intelligence agency analogous to the American CIA. The "GIGN" name is derived from the internal files of GTA Vice City.

Both the GIGN and DGSE are some of the few non-American law enforcement agencies to appear in the Grand Theft Auto series, along with the MPS and the British Secret Service.

Events of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]

The GIGN and DGSE appear twice in GTA Vice City, mainly, during Mall Shootout and All Hands On Deck!. The missions, which are given by Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez, relate to Cortez's conflict with French authorities over the illegal purchase of chips (which are properties of the French government presumably to be used for military equipment). The situation escalates to the point when Cortez is forced to flee Vice City to an unknown country.

During Mall Shootout, GIGN units intervene in a deal between Tommy Vercetti and Pierre La Ponce, forcing the dealers to flee from a hail of gunfire from the GIGN. The units can be easily confused with the VCPD SWAT, due to similar uniform and voice. In All Hands On Deck!, Cortez is forced to flee the city on his yacht after learning that the French are closing in on Cortez. French DGSE agents attempt to block his escape and kill or apprehend Cortez, but their attempts are thwarted by Cortez' crew and Vercetti, who help Cortez flee Vice City by killing a number of French personnel. During an early cutscene in the mission, DGSE agents may be seen arriving at the marina in a special black colored Washington, which are obtainable by the player but only if they fail the mission. Other vehicles used during the mission include various boats, as well as two Mavericks, and a Hunter, all of which are also destroyed by Vercetti.

Mission Appearances[]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]






  • GIGN operators use the same body and armor model as the Cerberus agents and their leader from Manhunt, albeit with different textures, head models and with the real-life GIGN patch.
  • GIGN operators are slightly similar to the beta SWAT and were probably used before.[ref?]
  • The DGSE agents have the same pedestrian model.

See Also[]


[ ve ]Law enforcement agencies in the 3D Universe
Liberty CityLcpdgta3 Liberty City Police Department
Vice CityVcpdhqlogo Vice City Police Department (VCBILogo-GTAVC Vice City Bureau of Investigation* | Vice Squad Vice Squad) | ViceCityPortAuthority-GTAVC-NavboxLogo Vice City Port Authority
San Andreas
StatewideSanAndreasPoliceDepartment-GTASA-Emblem San Andreas Police Department | San Andreas Coast Guard
Los SantosLos Santos Police Department (Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums)
Las VenturasLas Venturas Police Department
San FierroSan Fierro Police Department
Countryside and DesertSASheriff-GTASA-Logo San Andreas Sheriff
National/unknownSpecial Weapons and Tactics | FBI-3DUniverse-Logo Federal Bureau of Investigation | Military | Central Intelligence Agency | GIGN / DGSE | Motor Officers | Men in Black | DrugEnforcementAdministration-3DUniverse Drug Enforcement Administration | Secret Service | Internal Affairs Division*
Mentioned only/Related
Carcer CityCCPD-MH-BadgeTexture Carcer City Police Department*
CottonmouthCMPD-MH2-Logo Cottonmouth Police Department
* denotes enforcement mentioned only
Category:Law enforcement agencies | Category:Police departments