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Funami FM - faster than sound!
— Station motto

Funami FM (Japanese: フナミFM) is a radio station in Grand Theft Auto 2. It is hosted by Teriyaki-chan (voiced by Saiko Yoshida) and plays experimental drum and bass and acid techno.


Funami can only be heard in the Downtown District of Anywhere City, which is also the location of their main headquarters. It is hosted by Teriyaki-chan, often screaming hysterically in Japanese (with a few phrases in English), with her voice often being sped up and slowed down. The imaging voice of the station is a man who speaks English with a Japanese accent.

The station plays drum and bass/breaks often featuring the Roland TB-303, known for its acid sound. As such, this genre can be called acid drum and bass. Some tracks however are slower in tempo, lack breakbeats and are more techno-oriented. Teriyaki-chan mentions that Funami FM recently switched to playing this type of music and asks for her listeners' feedback on it.

"Funami" (usually written as 船見 or 舟見) is a common family surname or town name.

Funami is the preferred station of the Yakuza gang.


This article or section refers to content exclusive to the original DMA Design version for the PlayStation, Dreamcast and PC release of Grand Theft Auto 2.
For a full list of content exclusive to this version, see here.

Song: Preview: Notes:
"Flymutha" by Toys Are Real (Paul Scargill) (1999)
"Ball Blaster" by IDO (Stuart Ross) (1999) Ball Blaster" is erroneously misidentified as "Garage Acid" by Future Loop (P. Scargill) due to an incorrect user-made track-listing of unknown origin. The official manual lists the soundtrack in a random order and only songs with lyrics can be identified.
"O2N" by 4 How Much 4 (Craig Conner) (1999)
"F.A.G. Filter" by Tsunami (Stuart Ross) (1999) "F.A.G. Filter" is erroneously misidentified as "Ball Blaster" by Ido (S. Ross) due to an incorrect user-made track-listing of unknown origin. The official manual lists the soundtrack in a random order and only songs with lyrics can be identified.

Translation of Japanese dialogue[]

During the intro of "Flymutha" by Toys Are Real[]

"This is me from Funami FM, somehow I'm here, Teriyaki-chan! Oh, it makes me feel sick, it's irritating, isn't it? This bad weather, bad traffic and bad crime! Stop fooling around, who do you think we are?! And you can't never tell if a Yakuza is friend or foe, really... Astonishing?! Johnny Zoo and Danny Zoo have both become car-criminals, this computer game is starting to become shitty... Is this really fun at all?!"[1]

Towards the end of "Flymutha" by Toys Are Real[]

"So, I will play a new record now! It's such a pleasant day, really... it is quite hot though, now! Pull up the song next!"[1]

Just before "Ball Blaster" by IDO[]

"Stop fooling around, who do you think we are?! Who knows whether a Yakuza gangster is a friend or a foe?! Good song next one!"[1]

During the intro of "F.A.G. Filter" by Tsunami[]

"Ain't this really shitty?! Is it really any fun at all?! Yes!"[1]



  • The radio of GTA Advance includes a shortened instrumental version of "Flymutha" by Toys Are Real.

See Also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Original Japanese Transcript:
    • "フナミラジオからの私、なんと私、テリヤキちゃんだよぉ!あー今日もホントに暑いねぇイヤになっちゃう全くムカつくよなぁ 、このBad weather bad traffic and bad crime!ふざけてんじゃないわよこの私達のこと!ヤクザも敵か味方か分かんねぇよなぁホントに。(Inaudible) ジョニーズーもダニーズーもみーんな、カークライムになっちゃってさぁこのコンピューターゲームしけたもんだね、こんなの本当に面白いのかよォッ?!"
    • "はーい、じゃニューレコードをプレイしまーす!あー気持ちがいいね今日はホントに...あっついけどさぁ、ほらPull up the song next!"
    • "ふざけんじゃないわよ何だと思ってんだよこの私達のこと!ヤクザも敵か味方か分かんねぇの!Good song next one!"
    • "しけたもんでこんなの面白いのかよ!はーい!"


[ ve ]Radio Stations in the 2D Universe
Grand Theft Auto
N-CT FMRadio '76 FMHead RadioThe Fix FMIt's Unleashed FMThe Fergus Buckner Show FMBrooklyn Underground FM
Radio Stations in the Game Boy Color version
Grand Theft Auto:
London 1969 and 1961
Bush SoundsHeavy Heavy Monster SoundBlow UpradioKaleidoscopeSound of SohoRadio PenelopeRadio AndorraWestminster WirelessRadio 7GTA PompGTA Spy ThemeAustin Allegro Chase
Grand Theft Auto 2
Head RadioRockstar RadioKREZLo-Fi FMFuturo FMFunami FMLithium FMKing 130.7Osmosis FMHeavenly RadioKGBH
Radio Stations in the Game Boy Color version