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The Fishmarket South Fire Station is a station of the Fire Department of Liberty City featured in Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, located in Fishmarket South, Algonquin.


The station is situated at the bottom of the Privateer Road Building, at the intersection of Privateer Road and Emerald Street. It is located across the street from the Liberty Sanitation Depot. The building can be distinguished by its large red doors with overhangs and the large FDLC sign with the FDLC emblem at either side.

A Fire Truck can be found parked outside the station. Several fire fighters can be found hanging around the main doors of the fire station.


It is based on the real life Engine 4/Ladder 15 firehouse, which is located at 49 South Street in Manhattan, New York City.



[ ve ]Fire stations in the HD Universe
Liberty City
AlgonquinFishmarket South Fire Station * | Northwood Fire Station * | Westminster Fire Station "Engine 47"
DukesFrancis International Airport Fire Station *[?]
BrokerBroker Fire Station
BohanBohan Fire Station "Ladder 69"
AlderneyBerchem Fire Station "Engine 1 Ladder 2" * | Tudor Fire Station *
Los Santos
Davis Fire Station * | El Burro Heights Fire Station * | Los Santos International Airport Fire Station *[?] | Rockford Hills Fire Station *
Blaine CountyFort Zancudo Fire Station * | Paleto Bay Fire Station * | Sandy Shores Fire Station
* denotes a spawn point for the Fire Truck

† denotes absent in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Category:Fire stations