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For other appearances, see Firefighter.

Firefighter is an emergency vehicle-based side mission available in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


In order to start the mission, the player must find a Fire Truck (standard variant only, not available for the ladder variant) and press the button shown on the instruction text (platform dependent) to toggle the side mission on or off.

Once the mission is started, the player is given the location of a burning vehicle in a random neighborhood of the current city or region, and a time limit on screen below the HUD.

The player must drive the Fire Truck to the burning vehicle's location and extinguish the fire using the Firetruck hose by using the attack button.

After putting out the fire within the time limit, the level is completed and the player will get a timer bonus for the following level. For the following levels, the player must extinguish the fires of multiple vehicles and their occupants.

In order to achieve the 100% Completion requirement, the player must complete 12 levels in a row.


After completing 12 levels in a row, the player will become fireproof.

The amount of money earned in each level is determined by the following formula: . Completing level 12 adds another $5000 cash bonus, for a total of $13450.

Level Money
1 $200
2 $450
3 $800
4 $1250
5 $1800
6 $2450
7 $3200
8 $4050
9 $5000
10 $6050
11 $7200
12 $13450
Total $45900

Beta Content[]

This article or section contains information on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas beta content. It may feature speculation and/or unintentional misinformation.
Please add references when adding content to this page. Any speculative/misinformed content that is not verified should be discussed on the talk page.

An alternative version of the Firefighter side-mission was originally planned but was scrapped during early development.

This variation of Fire Fighter tasked the player to break into burning buildings and rescue people from inside by guiding them out of the building. It can only be assumed that the interiors used in this side-mission were reused Burglar house interiors due to lack of leftovers of this mission in the game files.

It is suggested that the mission Burning Desire originally served as a tutorial for this side-mission due to the similarity of objectives. Although the "Oxygen" limit is exclusive to the side-mission.

Additionally, this variation of Fire Fighter appears to have been meant to be completed in each city, as it notified the player that "all fires in (city name) have been completed", still using their placeholder real-life names in the scrapped text (LA, San Fran and Vegas).

Leftovers of this side-mission can be found in the notusedtext.txt file, a text file containing early american.gxt entries scrapped by the original Rockstar North developers, and accidentally left in the files of the original release of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition by Grove Street Games.

[F_SAVED:FIRETRK] ~s~You have found them all, get clear of the area!
[F_HELP1:FIRETRK] ~s~You must enter the burning area and rescue the required number of people within the time limit to pass the level.
[F_HELP2:FIRETRK] ~s~While inside a burning building you have a limited time before your oxygen runs out.
[F_HELP3:FIRETRK] ~s~Oxygen can be refilled by leaving the burning building or collecting pickups in the area.
[F_HELP4:FIRETRK] ~s~You can refill the fire extinguisher by entering the firetruck or collecting the appropriate pickups.
[F_HELP5:FIRETRK] ~s~People are rescued by approaching them, once all have been rescued you must vacate the area before the time runs out.
[F_HELP6:FIRETRK] ~s~They will only appear on the radar if within the players vacinity.
[F_TIME2:FIRETRK] TIME: ~1~:0~1~
[F_INDOR:FIRETRK] ~s~The fire's inside the building, get in there and put it out!
[F_NOWAT:FIRETRK] ~s~You're out of water, get back to the firetruck to refill the extinguisher.
[F_HELP7:FIRETRK] ~s~Press the ~w~~t~~s~ button to tell the person to wait
[F_HELP8:FIRETRK] ~s~Press the ~w~~t~~s~ button to tell the person to follow
[F_GUIDE:FIRETRK] ~s~Guide the person out of the burning building
[F_FIND:FIRETRK] ~s~You need to check to see if there is anyone trapped inside.
[F_LADON:FIRETRK] ~r~All LA fire missions have already been completed, try another city
[F_LAFIN:FIRETRK] ~s~All fire missions in LA area completed!
[F_VGDON:FIRETRK] ~r~All Vegas fire missions have already been completed, try another city
[F_VGFIN:FIRETRK] ~s~All fire missions in Vegas area completed!
[F_SFDON:FIRETRK] ~r~All San Fran fire missions have already been completed, try another city
[F_SFFIN:FIRETRK] ~s~All fire missions in San Fran area completed!
[F_NTCIT:FIRETRK] ~r~You're too far from a city to pick up any fire missions!
[F_COMPL:FIRETRK] ~s~All fire missions in San Andreas have been completed
[F_PEEP:FIRETRK] ~s~Rescue the poeple inside.
[F_FIRE:FIRETRK] ~s~Put out the fire.
End of information pertaining to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas beta content.


[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
IntroductionThe Introduction | In the Beginning | Big Smoke | Sweet & Kendl
Lance Wilson
(Ryder) Radar-RyderIcon-GTASA
Part 1Ryder
Part 2Home Invasion | Catalyst | Robbing Uncle Sam
Sean Johnson
(Sweet) Radar-SweetIcon-GTASA
Part 1Tagging Up Turf | Cleaning the Hood | Drive-Thru | Nines and AK's | Drive-By | Sweet's Girl | Cesar Vialpando
Part 2Doberman | Los Sepulcros | Reuniting the Families | The Green Sabre
Part 3Beat Down on B Dup | Grove 4 Life
Part 4Los Desperados | End of the Line *
Melvin Harris
(Big Smoke) Radar-SmokeIcon-GTASA
OG Loc | Running Dog | Wrong Side of the Tracks | Just Business
Cesar Vialpando Radar-CesarIcon-GTASA
Part 1High Stakes, Low-Rider
Part 2King in Exile
Part 3Wu Zi Mu | Farewell, My Love...
Part 4Photo Opportunity
Part 5Pier 69
Part 6Back to School | Zeroing In | Test Drive | Customs Fast Track | Puncture Wounds
Jeffrey Cross
(OG Loc) Radar-OGLocIcon-GTASA
Life's a Beach | Madd Dogg's Rhymes | Management Issues | House Party
Part 1Burning Desire | Gray Imports
Part 2Badlands
Part 3555 We Tip
Part 4Snail Trail
Part 5Misappropriation
Part 6High Noon
Catalina Radar-CatalinaIcon-GTASAFirst Date | First Base | Gone Courting | Made in Heaven
Robberies Radar-CashIcon-GTASATanker Commander | Local Liquor Store | Against All Odds | Small Town Bank
The Truth Radar-TruthIcon-GTASA
Part 1Body Harvest
Part 2Are You Going to San Fierro?
Part 3Black Project | Green Goo
Carl Johnson Radar-CJIcon-GTASA
Part 1Wear Flowers in Your Hair
Part 2Deconstruction
Part 3Ice Cold Killa
Part 4Riot
Zero Radar-ZeroIcon-GTASAAir Raid | Supply Lines... | New Model Army
Jizzy B. Radar-LocoIcon-GTASA
Part 1Jizzy | T-Bone Mendez | Mike Toreno
Part 2Outrider
Wu Zi Mu Radar-WoozieIcon-GTASA
Part 1Mountain Cloud Boys | Ran Fa Li | Lure | Amphibious Assault | The Da Nang Thang
Part 2Toreno's Last Flight | Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Mike Toreno Radar-Toreno2Icon-GTASA
Part 1Monster | Highjack | Interdiction | Verdant Meadows | Learning to Fly | N.O.E. | Stowaway
Part 2Vertical Bird | Home Coming
Triads Radar-TraidsCasinoIcon-GTASA
Part 1Fender Ketchup | Explosive Situation | You've Had Your Chips | Don Peyote
Part 2Fish in a Barrel
Part 3A Home in the Hills
Heist Radar-CashIcon-GTASAArchitectural Espionage | Key to Her Heart | Dam and Blast | Cop Wheels | Up, Up and Away! | Breaking the Bank at Caligula's
Mafia Radar-MafiaIcon-GTASA
Part 1Intensive Care | The Meat Business
Part 2Freefall
Part 3Saint Mark's Bistro
Madd Dogg Radar-MaddDoggIcon-GTASA
Part 1Madd Dogg
Part 2Cut Throat Business
Side MissionsParamedic | Firefighter | Vigilante/Brown Thunder | Taxi Driver | Pimping | Freight Train Challenge | Burglar | BMX Challenge | The Chiliad Challenge | NRG-500 Challenge | 8-Track | Kickstart | Blood Bowl | Dirt Track | Shooting Range | Roboi's Food Mart Courier Mission | Hippy Shopper Courier Missions | Burger Shot Courier Missions | Trucking | Valet | Quarry | Exports and Imports
Race Tournaments Radar-race-gtasa
Los SantosLowrider Race | Little Loop | Backroad Wanderer | City Circuit | Vinewood | Freeway | Into the Country | Badlands A | Badlands B
San FierroDirtbike Danger | Bandito County | Go-Go Karting | San Fierro Fastlane | San Fierro Hills | Country Endurance
Las VenturasSF to LV | Dam Rider | Desert Tricks | LV Ringroad
Air RacesWorld War Ace | Barnstorming | Military Service | Chopper Checkpoint | Whirly Bird Waypoint | Heli Hell
Missions in GTA San Andreas | Missions | Beta Missions | Side Missions (Category)
* denotes the final story mission.