Don Cheto (portrayed by Juan Razo) is a fictional Mexican-American radio personality, musician, actor, television host, voice actor, singer and television personality widely known throughout Mexican-American pop culture. He is also one of the radio hosts of East Los FM along with Mexican Institute of Sound founder and DJ Camilo Lara in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.
Don Cheto, known as "the man with the big voice", is a Mexican-American actor and musician. He is the host of "El Show de Don Cheto" (The Don Cheto Show), an hour-long presenting variety of Spanish language Channel 62} in Los Angeles, and is also shown on sister stations owned by Liberman Broadcasting. He is a 63-year-old hillbilly from the town of La Sauceda in MichoacƔn, Mexico, who crossed the border more than 30 years ago, speaks accented English, bickers with his daughters over their boyfriends and complains about the loss of morals.[1]
Their music albums include "Piporreando" and "Man of the booming voice."
Don Cheto was offered ~6,000 USD for his role as a radio host by Rockstar Games, but instead refused the offer and did it for free. Additionally, he confirmed there were at least 60 selected songs for the East Los FM mix, but only a few record companies allowed their songs to be included in the game's soundtrack.[2]
In 2010, prior to his role as a radio host in Grand Theft Auto V, Don Cheto released the gangsta rap song "El Cholo de PlayStation" in homage to people who were close to him that were "addicted to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" at that time.[3]