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Cattle (colloquially cows) are animals featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.

Wikipedia has an article on: Cattle


The cows found in the game are mostly Holstein Cattle and Braunvieh cattle. Cows can be commonly seen grazing in pastures. These animals are passive, and will never attack the player, even when provoked. They use the same model and animations from Red Dead Redemption.


Grand Theft Auto V[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

  • The player can transform into a cow after eating a peyote plant.



  • If a cow is punched it will fall to the ground immediately, despite its size. This is likely intended to simulate the activity known as "cow-tipping".
  • When switching to Trevor Philips, he may be found waking up, drunk, next to a cow in a pen in Grapeseed.
  • When a cow is shot with the fire bullets cheat activated, the cows burned body will be distorted until it is shot again or touched.


[ ve ]Animals in Grand Theft Auto V
Land animalsBoars | Cats | Chimpanzees | Cougars | Cows | Coyotes | Deer | Dogs | Monkeys | Pigs | Rabbits | Rats | Snakes
Aquatic animalsDolphins | Fish | Humpback Whales | Killer Whales | Sharks | Starfish | Stingrays | Hammerhead Sharks
BirdsChickens | Crows | Great Cormorants | Hawks | Pigeons | Seagulls
PetsChop | Dexie | Ghost Dog
InsectsButterflies | Cockroaches | Fireflies | Flies
Beta animalsHorses
Enhanced version only
[ ve ]Animals in Grand Theft Auto Online
Land animalsBoar | Cat | Cougar | Cow | Coyote | Deer | Dogs | Panther | Pig | Rabbit | Snake
Aquatic animalsDolphin | Fish | Humpback Whale | Killer Whale | Loch Santos Monster | Shark | Starfish | Stingrays | Hammerhead Shark
BirdsChicken | Crow | Great Cormorant | Hawk | Pigeon | Seagull
InsectsButterflies | Cockroaches | Fireflies | Flies
Controllable via Peyote Plants