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This article lists the default game controls for Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online on the PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X and PC.

Default Controls[]

PC Xbox PlayStation Function(s) Notes
On foot
Keyboard White W Keyboard White A Keyboard White S Keyboard White D Left Stick Left Stick Forward, strafe left, backwards, strafe right When diving, controls become inverted; Keyboard White W = descend, Keyboard White S = surface
Keyboard White Shift A Button X Button Jog (tap), Sprint (hold)

Kick Attack

Hold to Sprint/Swim.
Tap to activate Stealth run. (Holding switches to Sprint, canceling Stealth Mode)
Keyboard White Ctrl Left Stick Press L3 Stealth Mode Tap to activate/deactivate.
Keyboard White Alt D-Pad Down D-Pad Down Character Wheel

View Player Lobby / View Large Map (double tap) (GTA Online)

Keyboard White Q RB R1 Enter/Exit cover
F Y Button Triangle Button Enter/Exit vehicle
F (hold) [Weaponized Vehicle] Y Button (hold) [Weaponized Vehicle] Triangle Button (hold) [Weaponized Vehicle] Enter vehicle's mounted weapon position when solo. See Vehicle Features Stand near weapon position or climb up onto roof for rooftop-mounted weapon, then hold F.
R B Button Circle Button Reload


Caps Lock Left Stick Press + Right Stick Press L3 + R3 Special Ability

Toast (GTA Online)

Set up in the Interaction Menu
Keyboard White Space X Button Square Button Jump/Climb/Vault/Dodge
V View Touchpad Change Camera Modes
Mouse Scroll Scroll through weapon categories
Left Mouse Button RT R2 Fire Active Weapon


Right Mouse Button LT L2 Aim Active Weapon


Keyboard White E Turn weapon attachment flashlights on/off
1 - 9 Weapon categories 1 = Unarmed (Fist), 2 = Melee Weapon, 3 = Shotgun, 4 = Heavy Weapon, 5 = Special Weapon (Thrown weapons and Jerry Can), 6 = Pistol, 7 = SMG, 8 = Assualt Rifle, 9 = Sniper Rifle
Repeated taps scroll through different weapons of the same class
Tab LB L1 Weapon Wheel Hold down to interact
Right Mouse Button Select highlighted weapon category Locks to category to mouse scroll selected weapon class
M View (hold) Touchpad (hold) Interaction Menu
Land and Water Vehicles
Keyboard White W Keyboard White S RT LT R2 L2 Accelerate forward, accelerate backward
A, D / Left, Right Arrows Left Stick (left and right positions) Left Stick (left and right positions) Steer left, steer right
Left Shift Left Stick (forward position) Left Stick (forward position) Lean/tilt forward Motorcycles only
Left Control Left Stick (backward position) Left Stick (backward position) Lean/tilt backward Motorcycles only
Left Mouse Button LB L1 Fire drive-by weapon If active weapon selected/available, or alternative onboard turret (driver only)
Right Mouse Button Aim drive-by weapon Ditto
H D-Pad Right D-Pad Right Cycle through headlights. Tap to turn on/off. Low beam/High beam mode only available at night.
H (hold) D-Pad Right (hold) D-Pad Right (hold) Lower/raise convertible roof Only if vehicle has convertible roof. See Vehicle Features

Only when stationary/driving slowly.

H (hold) [Weaponized Vehicle] D-Pad Right (hold) [Weaponized Vehicle] D-Pad Right (hold) [Weaponized Vehicle] Slide into seat beside player with a mounted weapon Dependant on vehicle's mounted weapon position. See Vehicle Features

If driver, switches to passenger-side weapon position; must be stationary. If passenger, switches to internal seat weapon position.

Keyboard White E Context sensitive driver-side functions Activates abilities for certain vehicles, such as counter-measures (e.g. Oppressor Mk II), power hop (e.g. Scramjet) and deploying Proximity Mines (e.g. Insurgent Pick-Up Custom).
Keyboard White Space RB R1 Handbrake On some bicycles, Keyboard White Space performs a bunnyhop.
G Left Stick Press L3 Activate horn If vehicle has a siren, switches on or off siren.

If vehicle has warning lights, switches them on or off.

(-) key Previous custom radio track Switch to previous Self Radio track
= key Next custom radio track Skip forward to next Self Radio track
Caps Lock Bicycle sprint Bicycles only
Keyboard White S Bicycle front brake Bicycles only
Keyboard White W (hold) Toggle Mouse steering Hold key down for duration preferred
Keyboard White W, Keyboard White S Aircraft throttle on, off
A, D Aircraft yaw left, right
Num 4, Num 6 Aircraft roll left, right
Num 8, Num 5 Aircraft pitch forward (nose down), backward (nose up)
Left Mouse Button Fire mounted weaponry (pilot only)
G Toggle landing gear up/down
H Toggle aircraft lights off/on
Keyboard White E Drop grappling hook/magnet/activate VTOL mode on/off If vehicle has grappling hook (Cargobob)

If vehicle has magnet (Skylift, mission only) If vehicle has VTOL mode (Hydra, Tula)

Insert Toggle aircraft weapon camera If aircraft has mounted weaponry. See Vehicle Features/Mounted Weapons.
Keyboard White W Keyboard White S Submersible accelerate, decelerate
A, D Steer hard left, right
Num 4, Num 6 Steer left, right
Num 8, Num 5 Pitch forward (nose down), backward (nose up)
Left Shift Ascend
Left Control Descend
Left Mouse Button (hold) Toggle Mouse Steering Hold for duration preferred
Keyboard White W Keyboard White S Parachute pitch forward (down), backward (up)
A, D Parachute turn left, right
Left Mouse Button Deploy parachute

Fire weapon (once deployed)

Right Mouse Button Aim weapon
Mouse Wheel Cycle drive-by parachute weapons
F Detach parachute (once deployed)
Keyboard White Q Keyboard White E Parachute break left, right
Left Shift Parachute precision control
X Parachute smoke (hold)
Mobile phone
Key/Button Function(s) Notes
Mouse Wheel Button
Bring up phone
Arrow keys
Mouse scroll
Navigate screen
Left Mouse Button
Delete Option ?
Keyboard White Space
Mouse Wheel Button
Special option/Contacts dialpad Contacts --> Activate dialpad
Right Mouse Button
Cancel/Put away phone


On foot
Button Function(s) Notes
Left Stick Forward, strafe left, backward, strafe right
A Button (tap, hold) Jog, Sprint
D-Pad Down (hold) Character switch Hold and use the Right Stick to select a character.

May perform Quick Shift during missions - does not require hold or manual selection.

LB Enter/exit cover
Y Button Enter/exit vehicle
B Button Reload weapon
Left Stick Press + Right Stick Press Enable/disable special ability
X Button Jump
View Change camera view
RT Fire active weapon
LT Aim active weapon
D-Pad Up Bring up phone
D-Pad Down / B Button Put away phone
D-Pad Left (hold) Cycle weapon categories Press to cycle weapons.

Hold to bring up the weapon wheel. Use Right Stick to cycle categories, and D-Pad Left / Right to browse weapons in the selected category.

View (hold) Interaction Menu
Land and Water Vehicles
RT, LT Accelerate forward, accelerate backward
Left Stick (left and right positions) Steer
Left Stick (forward and backward positions) Lean/tilt forward and backward Motorcycles only
LB Fire drive-by weapon If active weapon selected/available, or alternative onboard turret (driver only)
D-Pad Right Cycle through headlights.
RB Handbrake On some bicycles, RB performs a bunnyhop.
Left Stick Press Activate horn If the vehicle has a siren, switch on or off the siren.

If the vehicle has warning lights, switch on or off the siren.

A Button (hold, tap) Bicycle movement Bicycles only. Hold for casual cycling, tap repeatedly for bicycle sprint.
LT Bicycle front brake Bicycles only
D-Pad Right (hold) Lower/raise convertible roof Only if the vehicle has a convertible roof. See Vehicle Features

Only when stationary/driving slow.

D-Pad Left Cycle radio stations Press to cycle through radio stations. Hold to bring up radio station wheel, use Right Stick to select a radio station.
RT LT Aircraft throttle on, off
LB RB Aircraft yaw left, right
Left Stick (left and right positions) Aircraft roll left, right
Left Stick (forward and backward positions) Aircraft pitch forward (nose down), backward (nose up)
A Button Fire mounted weaponry (pilot only)
Left Stick Press Toggle landing gear up/down
D-Pad Right Toggle aircraft lights off/on
D-Pad Right Drop grappling hook/magnet/activate VTOL mode on/off If the vehicle has a grappling hook (Cargobob)

If the vehicle has a magnet (Skylift, mission only) If the vehicle has VTOL mode (Hydra, Tula)

Left Stick (Hold?) Toggle aircraft weapon camera If aircraft has mounted weaponry. See Vehicle Features/Mounted Weapons.
RT LT Submersible accelerate, decelerate
LB RB Steer hard left, right
Left Stick (left and right positions) Steer left, right
Left Stick (forward and backward positions) Pitch forward (nose down), backward (nose up)
X Button Ascend
A Button Descend
Left Stick (forward and backward positions) Parachute pitch forward (down), backward (up)
Left Stick (left and right positions) Parachute turn left, right
A Button Deploy parachute
LT Aim weapon
X Button Cycle drive-by parachute weapons
Y Button Detach parachute (once deployed)
LB RB Parachute break left, right
LB + RB Parachute precision control
A Button Parachute smoke (hold)


On foot
Button Function(s) Notes
Left Stick Forward, strafe left, backward, strafe right
X Button (tap, hold) Jog, Sprint
D-Pad Down (hold) Character switch Hold and use the Right Stick to select a character.

May perform Quick Shift during missions - does not require hold or manual selection.

R1 Enter/exit cover
Triangle Button Enter/exit vehicle
Circle Button Reload weapon
L3 + R3 Enable/disable special ability
Square Button Jump
Touchpad Change camera view
R2 Fire active weapon
L2 Aim active weapon
D-Pad Up Bring up phone
D-Pad Down / Circle Button Put away phone
D-Pad Left (hold) Cycle weapon categories Press to cycle weapons.

Hold to bring up the weapon wheel. Use Right Stick to cycle categories, and D-Pad Left / Right to browse weapons in the selected category.

Touchpad (hold) Interaction Menu
Land and Water Vehicles
R2, L2 Accelerate forward, accelerate backward
Left Stick (left and right positions) Steer
Left Stick (forward and backward positions) Lean/tilt forward and backward Motorcycles only
L1 Fire drive-by weapon If active weapon selected/available, or alternative onboard turret (driver only)
D-Pad Right Cycle through headlights.
R1 Handbrake On some bicycles, R1 performs a bunnyhop.
L3 Activate horn If the vehicle has a siren, switch on or off the siren.

If the vehicle has warning lights, switch on or off the siren.

X Button (hold, tap) Bicycle movement Bicycles only. Hold for casual cycling, tap repeatedly for bicycle sprint.
L2 Bicycle front brake Bicycles only
D-Pad Right (hold) Lower/raise convertible roof Only if the vehicle has a convertible roof. See Vehicle Features

Only when stationary/driving slow.

D-Pad Left Cycle radio stations Press to cycle through radio stations. Hold to bring up radio station wheel, use Right Stick to select a radio station.
R2, L2 Aircraft throttle on, off
L1 R1 Aircraft yaw left, right
Left Stick (left and right positions) Aircraft roll left, right
Left Stick (forward and backward positions) Aircraft pitch forward (nose down), backward (nose up)
X Button Fire mounted weaponry (pilot only)
L3 Toggle landing gear up/down
D-Pad Right Toggle aircraft lights off/on
D-Pad Right Drop grappling hook/magnet/activate VTOL mode on/off If the vehicle has a grappling hook (Cargobob)

If the vehicle has a magnet (Skylift, mission only) If the vehicle has VTOL mode (Hydra, Tula)

Left Stick (Hold?) Toggle aircraft weapon camera If aircraft has mounted weaponry. See Vehicle Features/Mounted Weapons.
R2 L2 Submersible accelerate, decelerate
L1 R1 Steer hard left, right
Left Stick (left and right positions) Steer left, right
Left Stick (forward and backward positions) Pitch forward (nose down), backward (nose up)
Square Button Ascend
X Button Descend
Left Stick (forward and backward positions) Parachute pitch forward (down), backward (up)
Left Stick (left and right positions) Parachute turn left, right
X Button Deploy parachute
L2 Aim weapon
Square Button Cycle drive-by parachute weapons
Triangle Button Detach parachute (once deployed)
L1 R1 Parachute break left, right
L1 + R1 Parachute precision control
X Button Parachute smoke (hold)

Visual Map[]


Graphical map of some of the basic keyboard controls.

Gta 5 guide ps4 controls

PS4 Controls
