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You may be looking for the medical service company named Los Santos Medical Center.

The Central Los Santos Medical Center is a general hospital featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.


The Central Los Santos Medical Center serves the southern neighborhoods of Los Santos. It is bordered by Capital Boulevard, Crusade Road, Davis Avenue and Innocence Boulevard, in the eastern side of Strawberry. It is likely based on the LAC+USC Medical Center of Los Angeles[1]. Players will spawn here if it is the closest hospital upon being wasted.

According to signage, the hospital has departments of Urology, Radiology, Ultrasound, Endoscopy and Medical Physics, as well as an emergency room and a chapel. The hospital is connected to its own parking center via an inaccessible walkway just across Davis Avenue. This carpark is labeled as 'Medical Center Parking' by signs so presumably is for hospital patients use only, rather than general public.

Due to its location in a heavily gang populated area, the hospital is presumably quite busy and is always receiving patients (ambulances will often be seen leaving the hospital on calls). The medical center has also gained negative criticism for its bad doctors and healthcare in TV commercials of Mount Zonah Medical Center.

According to a Mount Zonah Medical Center TV commercial, Los Santos Medical Center's treatment caused the death of a son's father. The commercial voice, who also voices the GTA IV male GPS voice, advises patients to visit the Mount Zonah Medical Center instead. Doctors appear beating the patient, suggesting the LSMC use otherwise "controversial" treatment. During the commercial, dying patients are seen within the hospital corridors (despite the interior being the Los Santos County Coroner Office interior).[2]



Prominent Appearances in Missions[]

The Chop Shop[]



  • The hospital's logo is the Rod of Asclepius, a serpent-entwined rod that is the symbol of medicine and health care.
  • Gang members such as those from the Varrios Los Aztecas and Los Santos Vagos will sometimes spawn on the sidewalks behind the hospital.
  • At the western emergency entrance, the low level-of-detail model indicates that the grassland surrounding the building was raised slightly, with a small wall bordering it.[3]

See Also[]


  1. LAC+USC Medical Center
  3. CentralLosSantosMedicalCenter-GTAV-BetaWall

    Notice the presence of a wall on the first LOD (bottom).


[ ve ]Hospitals in the HD Universe
Liberty City
City of Liberty Paramedics
AlgonquinCity Hall Hospital* | Holland Hospital Center* | Easton Medical Center*
BrokerSchottler Medical Center*
DukesCerveza Heights Medical Center
BohanBohan Medical & Dental Center*
City of Liberty Paramedics
North Tudor Medical Center*†† | Westdyke Memorial Hospital*††
San Andreas
Mission Row San Andreas
Los Santos Fire Department
Los Santos Medical Center
Los Santos CountyCentral Los Santos Medical Center* | Eclipse Medical Tower | Mount Zonah Medical Center* | Pillbox Hill Medical Center* | Portola Trinity Medical Center | St. Fiacre Hospital
Blaine CountySandy Shores Medical Center* | The Bay Care Center
* denotes a spawn point for the Ambulance

† does not serve as a respawn location after being killed
†† absent from Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Category:HospitalsCategory:Hospitals in GTA IVCategory:Hospitals in GTA Chinatown WarsCategory:Hospitals in GTA V