The Calton Heights Safehouse is a safehouse located at the top of Windy Windy Windy Windy Street in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
The safehouse is modeled after Victorian-style apartments commonly seen in San Francisco. It has an attached garage, capable of holding two cars or a single car and three bikes. It contains a mid-end interior with three bedrooms, a bathroom, a large living room, and a kitchen. A kart spawns across the street on top of some stairs, a camera spawns down the hill in front of a small garage, and Flowers spawn directly across from the camera.
- A common inconvenience of having a garage close to a busy pedestrian path: San Fierro Triads members can enter the garage while the door is open, though this appears to have no ill effect (at some safehouses, pedestrians who enter a garage may actually try to steal a vehicle). Exiting the garage requires care so as not to run over pedestrians if wanted levels are active.
- When entering the garage of this safehouse, the camera does not automatically pan back. The same thing occurs with the garage of the Verdant Bluffs Safehouse.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas safehouses | |
Main Safehouses (Acquirable) | Johnson House | Angel Pine Trailer | Fern Ridge Cabin | Doherty Garage | Toreno's Ranch | Verdant Meadows Airfield | The Four Dragons Casino | Madd Dogg's Crib |
Los Santos | Jefferson | Verdant Bluffs | Verona Beach | Willowfield | Santa Maria Beach | Mulholland |
Red County | Blueberry | Palomino Creek | Dillimore |
Flint County | Flint County Farm |
Whetstone | Angel Pine House |
San Fierro | Chinatown | Doherty Apartment | Paradiso | Hashbury | Calton Heights | Queens |
Tierra Robada | El Quebrados | Tierra Robada |
Bone County | Fort Carson |
Las Venturas | Creek | Rockshore West | Redsands West | Whitewood Estates | Prickle Pine | Old Venturas Strip | Pirates in Men's Pants | The Camel's Toe | The Clown's Pocket |