The Blueberry Safehouse is a safehouse featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
This safehouse is situated in an apartment building, located in Blueberry, Red County. The apartment building has a total of 24 apartments, and this property has no garage. There is a Sprunk vending machine at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the safehouse.
It seems that among those 24 apartment houses, four apartments are closed off permanently, as the doors and windows are completely shut off using wooden boards. The apartment adjacent to the safehouse is covered in police tape and is boarded off, suggesting that some sort of crime took place here, and access to this apartment is now restricted for public.
Nevertheless, this leaves 19 apartments (including CJ's safehouse) apparently in usable condition. It is unknown why these apartments were closed off and exactly what happened in the apartment house next to the safehouse.
- Mountain Bike - At the southwest corner of the building compound (not available on the PC version).
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas safehouses | |
Main Safehouses (Acquirable) | Johnson House | Angel Pine Trailer | Fern Ridge Cabin | Doherty Garage | Toreno's Ranch | Verdant Meadows Airfield | The Four Dragons Casino | Madd Dogg's Crib |
Los Santos | Jefferson | Verdant Bluffs | Verona Beach | Willowfield | Santa Maria Beach | Mulholland |
Red County | Blueberry | Palomino Creek | Dillimore |
Flint County | Flint County Farm |
Whetstone | Angel Pine House |
San Fierro | Chinatown | Doherty Apartment | Paradiso | Hashbury | Calton Heights | Queens |
Tierra Robada | El Quebrados | Tierra Robada |
Bone County | Fort Carson |
Las Venturas | Creek | Rockshore West | Redsands West | Whitewood Estates | Prickle Pine | Old Venturas Strip | Pirates in Men's Pants | The Camel's Toe | The Clown's Pocket |