“You can't fool me... I know why you don't move back in here. You're running scared of some Triads! Your father, God rest his soul, wouldn't let no one run him out of his own home.”
Toni Cipriani:
“But Ma!”
Mrs Cipriani:
“Unlike you, your father wasn't yellow! Until The Triads show you some respect, you're no son of mine! A daughter maybe...but not a son.”
Toni goes around to see his mother at her restaurant, but is once again verbally attacked. She accuses him of being scared of the Triads and claiming that he is no son of hers. Toni decides to prove her wrong by killing two groups of Triads.
The first group is in a bulletproof Triad Fish Van containing a unnamed Triad leader and one of Triad Members, which Toni rams with a vehicle while the Fish Van constantly drops boxes from the back in order to slow Toni down. Eventually, the Fish Van catches fire and explodes. Toni then kills the remaining Triads who had not been killed by the explosion, by either running them over or using a weapon. The second group is located at the Chinatown plaza, with Toni killing all the gang members there.
There ain't no 'Ma' here for you no more, you coward! You can't fool me... I know why you don't move back in here. You're running scared of some Triads! Your father, God rest his soul, wouldn't let no one run him out of his own home.
But Ma!
Ma (Voice only):
Unlike you, your father wasn't yellow! Until The Triads show you some respect, you're no son of mine! A daughter maybe...but not a son.
Toni goes to Chinatown and finds two groups of Triads: one located in the plaza, and another one consisting of two members driving a Triad Fish Van. Toni makes quick work of the first group of Triads and takes them out.
This is Toni Cipriani kicking your asses! Remember that name, fish heads!
Toni finds the second group of Triads and kills them aswell.