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Beat the Cock! poster.

Beat The Cock! is the name of two triathlon events in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


Each challenge consists of swimming, cycling and running. It is a physically demanding challenge and therefore a high cycling ability and high stamina are required to win the race, as virtually all of it must be made sprinting to come up first. Should the player wish to attempt the triathlon, they must ensure that the cycling skill is above 50%.

The triathlon is sponsored by Cluckin' Bell and poster ads for it can be seen in each gym in the game; a man dressed in the Cluckin' Bell clerk yellow cock-suit will take part of the event (hence, Beat The Cock), as well as seven other contenders, for a total of nine participants per race.

The two triathlon events can be completed in either order. It is not required for 100% completion; however it is required to unlock the "Beat the Cock" Achievement/Trophy on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and The Definitive Edition versions of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


The triathlons take place on in-game weekends. Carl needs to finish first in both triathlons for them to be completed. No traffic spawns on the roads whilst the triathlons are in progress.

The first Beat the Cock! challenge starting point is located in Santa Maria Beach, Los Santos; next to the pathway that goes to the lighthouse, and its total length (measured by Stats) is approximately 6.75 kilometers. The triathlon starts by swimming across the Los Santos Inlet, to Flint County, for about 350 meters. This is followed by a 5.1km. cycle ride to the Avispa Country Club in San Fierro, via Flint County's woods. A part of this sector is on asphalt roads but more than half is over dirt roads, crossing through Angel Pine in a northerly direction and then entering the highway northbound to the foot of Missionary Hill. The triathlon ends with an ascending sprint for 1.3 kilometers to the radio tower on top of Missionary Hill. This challenge is available once the mission Yay Ka-Boom-Boom is completed, and the prize for winning is $10,000.

The second Beat The Cock! challenge is at the Palomino Creek Beach in Red County, and its total length (measured by Stats) is 20.5 kilometers. It starts by swimming along the creek to Dillimore (approximately 490–500 meters), then a 19 kilometer cycle ride through San Fierro and Bone County to Las Venturas, followed by a 1km sprint southbound down The Strip, ending at The Four Dragons Casino. This challenge is available once the mission Yay Ka-Boom-Boom has been completed, and the prize for winning is $20,000.

Shooting any other competitors will result in instant disqualification, as will riding a bike into any body of water.


  • There is a bug that prevents the player from participating in the Los Santos "Beat The Cock!" challenge until unlocking Las Venturas.
  • On PCs with moderate performance, the player may be unable to swim faster by holding or spamming the sprint button if the frame limiter is off. Enabling it during the swimming portion of the event can solve this issue, then switching it off upon surfacing before hoping on a bike.


  • "Beat the cock" is a slang term for masturbation. It also refers to "beat the clock".
  • If the player finishes the race in first place and keeps their distance from the other participants, they will stop running and walk like usual pedestrians. However, any runner close to CJ will still run and cross the finish line when the race ends.
  • When starting a triathlon, CJ's pants change to Ball Shorts from ProLaps. The pants are also used during The Chiliad Challenge. They will be available in the wardrobe after finishing the event.

See Also[]