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Aleks Thornton is a minor character in The Ballad of Gay Tony.



Aleks Thornton's identity document found in TBOGT's files shows he is an agent, more specifically the Director of the International Affairs Agency (referred to as the "Central Intelligence Agency" in-game, prior to the agency name's retcon in Grand Theft Auto V).

His file mentions the Algonquin borough of Liberty City, most likely the place where he lives/operates in; the file also mentions "Berkley House", which is probably the name of his place of residence.

His phone number is 0001-4742-6002-2006, while his fax number is 0001-4742-6002-2010.

Events of The Ballad of Gay Tony[]

During the introduction cutscene for The Ballad of Gay Tony, in the mission I Luv LC, Aleks Thornton briefly interviews Luis Fernando Lopez, one of the witnesses of the robbery of the Bank of Liberty in Chinatown, asking for details about the robbery. He hands over a card to Luis before he leaves, in which Aleks is identified as a "CIA" agent, a.k.a. ULP/IAA. [1]


DCI Aleks Thornton

Berkley House

Unit 25b



Tel: 0001 4742 6002 2006

Fax: 0001 4742 6002 2010

Mission Appearances[]

The Ballad of Gay Tony[]



  • Aleks Thornton, Karen Daniels and the ULP Contact are the first known "CIA" agents in the HD Universe, as identified by their character models in Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes from Liberty City. With the release of Grand Theft Auto V, the agency is given the fictional name of "International Affairs Agency" (IAA).
    • Aleks uses a generic m_y_ciadlc_01.wtd (white variant) character model during his only cutscene appearance in The Ballad of Gay Tony.
  • DCI stands for "Director of Central Intelligence", although the position was replaced by "Director of the Central Intelligence Agency" and "Director of National Intelligence" in 2005.


  1. ...\Rockstar Games\EFLC\TBoGT\pc\anim\cutsprops.img\csciacard.wdr


[ ve ]Characters in The Ballad of Gay Tony
ProtagonistLuis Fernando Lopez
Central charactersTony PrinceYusuf AmirArmando TorresHenrique BardasRocco Pelosi† • Ray Bulgarin
Main charactersMori KibbutzBrucie KibbutzAdriana Yanira LopezTimur† • Uncle Vince† • Evan Moss† • Gracie Ancelotti
Supporting charactersRoman BellicPatrick McRearyDerrick McReary† • DessieTroyGalina BulgarinAbdul AmirJoniThe CelebinatorNiko BellicJohnny Klebitz† • Ahmed Khaleel† • Al Di NapoliAleks ThorntonAlfonso Vasquez Jr.AnaBlue BrothersBilly Grey† • British PrinceBruce SpadeChase Point Dealer† • Chris HuntCindy the WaitressCindy (Booty Call)Clay 'PG' JacksonCloe ParkerCostas† • DanaDanniDominoEugene Reaper† • Frickie Van Hardenburg† • Jack Duffy† • JacobIsaac Roth† • Jerry KapowitzJojoJonelleKay HartmanKerry McIntoshLilyMarki Ashvilli† • MauriceMel Toblowsky† • Michael Keane† • MoniqueMori Green† • Mr. SantoOscar GomezPapiDJ PaulPoppy MitchellSharon MortonTahir Saaed† • TamiTaniaTaylorThe Cook† • Triad 1Union OfficialVic Manzano† • Vicki
Random charactersArnaudDaisy Cash-CoozeMargot Summers
Mentioned charactersAbigail GraysonAlonso GomezAnn LanksBill JewellCarmen OrtizCharlotte CrownDani LupisellaDelancey MeduaDenzel LissErnesto LopezGiovanni AncelottiIsaac HammersteinJason PrineJimmy BostonJohn O'ConnellJudith KibbutzLeta Lopez-WilkinsonLewis GeorgesMarcusMiss TerrieMr. LopezNick LancasterRoy ZitoSuphot PaciTony ArmsWilly Valerio
Other charactersJaseMiranda CowanTerrorism ExpertRobVikkyZack AdhemSteveKellyMalcolm ForthrightUnnamed Bleeter founder
† denotes Deceased, Italics denotes a status determined by the player's choice
Characters in TBOGTCategory:Characters in TBOGTThe Ballad of Gay TonyCategory:Characters