Toshiko informs Toni that his actions have infuriated her husband. Toni realises that Kazuki will soon find out that Toshiko is helping him, so Toshiko says they'll give his men something to talk about, by going to the opera together. Toni gets her limousine and drives them to the Mr. Benz clothing store, where he changes into a tuxedo. They then drive to the opera house in Fort Staunton and watch the opera. Unbeknownst to them, they are spotted by a member of the Forelli Crime Family. After the performance, Toni and Toshiko exit the opera house, where they are confronted by Forelli hitmen. Toni kills the hitmen (including one who is damaging Toshiko's limousine). They are chased by more hitmen and the police, but manage to evade them and return to Toshiko's apartment. When they return to the apartment, a Yakuza member spots them and quickly drives off.
Various members of the Forelli Family - Killed by Toni for attempting to kill him and Toshiko, and for damaging Toshiko's limousine.