- A Dish Served Cold
- A Long Way to Fall
- A Revenger's Tragedy
- Actions Speak Louder than Words
- American Dad
- Babysitting
- Bleed Out
- Blood Brothers
- Blow Your Cover
- Bomb Da Base II
- Brucie's Races
- Bull in a China Shop
- Buoys Ahoy
- Call and Collect
- Catch the Wave
- Clean Getaway
- Concrete Jungle
- Concrete Jungle/Walkthrough
- Crime and Punishment
- Deal Breaker (GTA IV)
- Deathmatches in GTA IV
- Deconstruction for Beginners
- Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
- Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend/Walkthrough
- Dining Out
- Do You Have Protection?
- Drug Delivery
- Dust Off
- Easy Fare
- Easy as Can Be
- Endings in GTA IV
- Entourage
- Escuela of the Streets
- Exotic Exports
- Final Destination
- Final Interview
- First Date (GTA IV)
- Flatline
- GTA.sr Вики: О нама
- GTA.sr Вики: Помоћ
- Game Introductions
- Grand Theft Auto
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
- Grand Theft Auto III
- Grand Theft Auto IV
- Grand Theft Auto Online
- Grand Theft Auto V
- Grand Theft Wiki
- Hangman's NOOSE
- Harboring a Grudge
- Hating the Haters
- Have a Heart
- Heists
- Holland Nights
- Hostile Negotiation
- Hung Out to Dry
- I'll Take Her
- I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle
- If the Price is Right
- It's Your Call
- Ivan the Not So Terrible
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jamaican Heat
- Late Checkout
- Liquidize the Assets
- Logging On
- Luck of the Irish
- Lure (GTA IV)
- Meltdown (GTA IV)
- Missions in GTA IV Era
- Most Wanted
- Mr and Mrs Bellic
- Museum Piece
- No. 1
- No Love Lost
- No Way on the Subway
- One Last Thing
- Out of Commission
- Out of Commission/Walkthrough
- Out of the Closet
- Paper Trail
- Payback (GTA IV)
- Pegorino's Pride
- Pest Control
- Photo Shoot
- Player Choices in GTA IV
- Plot in GTA IV
- Portrait of a Killer
- Random characters
- Random characters/GTA IV
- Ransom (GTA IV)
- Rigged to Blow (GTA IV)
- Rockstar Games
- Roman's Sorrow
- Roman's Taxi Driver
- Ruff Rider
- Russian Revolution
- Search and Delete
- Shadow
- Shadow/Walkthrough
- She's a Keeper
- Smackdown (GTA IV)
- Stevie's Car Thefts
- Street Sweeper
- Taking in the Trash
- Taxi Driver
- That Special Someone
- The Cousins Bellic
- The Fixer's Assassinations
- The Holland Play
- The Master and the Molotov
- The Puerto Rican Connection
- The Snow Storm
- Three's a Crowd
- Three Leaf Clover
- To Live and Die in Alderney
- Trespass
- Truck Hustle
- Tunnel of Death
- Tunnel of Death/Walkthrough
- Uncle Vlad
- Undertaker
- Undress to Kill
- Union Drive
- Vigilante
- Waste Not Want Knots
- Weekend at Florian's
- Wrong is Right
- Биг Смоук
- Биг Смоук (мисија)
- Возила у GTA San Andreas
- Гантон
- Главни чланци
- Гроу Стрит Фемилис
- Дилери Дроге
- Држава Сан Андреас (HD)
- Карл Џонсон
- Либерти Цити (HD)
- Лос Сантос (3D)
- Лос Сантос (HD)
- Мајкл Де Санта
- Мисије у GTA IV
- Мисије у Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
- Полиција Сан Андреаса
- Рајдер
- Рајдер (мисија)
- Риме Мед Дога
- Сан Андреас
- Свит Џонсон
- Сједињене Америчке Државе
- ТЕК 9
- Френк Тенпени