Po cut-scence jedziemy do Boulevard, gdzie miało stać auto Koreańczyków. Zabrała je jednak laweta. Zatrzymujemy ją, spychając z drogi np. za pomocą Yankee, wyciągamy kierowcę zza kółka i zabijamy. Wtedy wysiadamy z wozu i podchodzimy do bocznej części lawety. Za pomocą mini-gry ściągamy wóz z lawety. Wsiadamy do niego, i rozjeżdżamy paru przechodniów. Uzyskamy pierwszy stopień poszukiwań. Wtedy czekamy, aż jakiś policjant zacznie podchodzić do wozu, a gdy znajdzie się w zasięgu strzału, zabijamy go. Po uzyskaniu drugiego stopnia poszukiwań, odstawiamy wóz na komisariat policji.
W kryjówce Hestona
Wade Heston
The assasins that took your silly sword are in all probability some Korean gang bangers, members of the Midtown Gangsters.
Huang Lee
Those Koreans have been loyal to our family for years. They wouldn't betray us!
Wade Heston
News flash, amigo. They don't want to be Triad bitches no more. They want to be daddy. They want independence, and their assasins are gonna make sure they get it.
Huang Lee
By stealing Yu Jian?
Wade Heston
They took it to upset Hsin, and disrupt his relationship with your uncle. And, in order to upset them right back, I've planted some smack, from a little personal stash I keep, in one of their cars.
Huang Lee
Your personal stash of smack? You're a junkie?
Wade Heston
No. I'm not a junkie, I'm a hypocrite, which is much worse. I only use on weekends, usually. Hey, walk a mile in my shoes, buddy. I don't need your shit. If we're gonna draw out these Korean assasins, make sure the LCPD busts that car.