The Tail Bagging the Dogs – misja w Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, druga od Wade'a Hestona.
Aby rozpocząć misję, musimy dostarczyć Hestonowi dwie działki kokainy. Po cut-scence bardzo szybko jedziemy na komisariat policji. Wjeżdżamy w znacznik i zaczynamy ścigać samochód Koreańczyków, nie zbliżając się do nich zbytnio ani nie oddalając się od niego. Gdy samochód dojedzie do celu (pokaże się komunikat: Take out the Underboss…) zabijamy człowieka oznaczonego czerwoną strzałką, a także jego ochroniarzy (także do nas strzelają). Potem wracamy do śledzenia samochodu Koreańczyków, powtarzając czynność z zabijanie bossów gangu. Po zabiciu trzech bossów, Koreańczycy w samochodzie zorientują się, że byli śledzeni. Jedziemy za nimi i rozwalamy ich samochód z drive-by.
W kryjówce Hestona | ||
Wade Heston | Well, you made it in the end. Don't worry about me. I'm just climbing the wall here. I've scratched myself raw all over. And I mean all over. | |
Huang Lee | Nice! It's real family fun hanging out with you, Heston. I'm glad I'm not a tax payer. | |
Wade Heston | Kid, keep up the patronizing tone. Really sympathetic of you. I'm a good cop, sometimes. Anyway, the next time I want a morality lesson, from the son of a dead gangster, reming me to ask for one. Talking of tax dollars, the LCPD just put some to good use, by releasing that Korean with a fucking car. Man, if they'd found even half that amount of drugs in my car, I'd lose my pension. In this country, only the President can boast about getting high. | |
Huang Lee | They'd let you off without even a slapped wrist... Are you shitting me? Cops always look after each other. | |
Wade Heston | Not me. Internal Affairs are kicking my ass day and night. They don't seem to appreciate that to get results you've got to bend the rules a little. Just like in movies. Tough cop goes it alone... that's me. | |
Huang Lee | Absolutely. Exactly how I would describe you. What are we going to do about that Korean prick? | |
Wade Heston | Well, he's gonna have to 'explain' himself to all his Underbosses for getting arrested. Why don't you follow hin and introduce yourself to all of them? If that doesn't get their attention, I don't know what will. | |
Huang Lee | You're using me as a bait? | |
Wade Heston | You wanna catch the big fish, you gotta put a worm on the line. No offense, Huang. I just always wanted to use that line. Now, talking of lines, give me that coke and get out of here. |
Misje w Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars | ||
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