Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)
Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)
Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)

Wydarzenia mające miejsce w 1978 roku:

Uniwersum 3D[]

Uniwersum HD[]


  1. Informacje z oficjalnej strony Grand Theft Auto: Vice City:
    Extremely dangerous. Bribed INS for Green card in 1978. Entered country from Colombia.
  2. Informacje z oficjalnej strony Fear It? Do It! (link):
    Darius Fontaine™ has been making people happy throughout the State of San Andreas for over San Andreas for over 14 years!!!
  3. Informacje z poradnika BradyGames do Grand Theft Auto: Vice City:
    A 33-year-old, high-strung lawyer, Ken has been trying to cultivate his relationship with his mob "friends" up North since 1978.
  4. 4,00 4,01 4,02 4,03 4,04 4,05 4,06 4,07 4,08 4,09 4,10 Informacje z kartoteki policji LCPD.
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 Informacje ze strony internetowej
  6. 6,0 6,1 Informacje z kartoteki policji LCPD:
    Head of the Gambetti Crime Syndicate since the death of Sonny Cangelosi in 1978.
  7. 7,0 7,1 Informacje z kartoteki policji LCPD:
    Believed to have taken control of the crime family since the death of his uncle in 1978.
  8. Informacje z reportażu radiowego Weazel News:
    Mr. Richards Senior passed away last year at the age of 103. His son, Solomon Richards, has run family studio since 1978 and told reporters he knew nothing beyond the fact his son is a moron and his father was delusional.
  9. Informacje ze strony internetowej