Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)
Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)
Grand Theft Auto Wiki (GTA Wiki)

Wydarzenia mające miejsce w 1805 roku:

Uniwersum HD[]


  1. Informacje ze strony internetowej
    By 1805, however, their sex life is dead... Emma has binged her way to obesity and Nelson can no longer get his column up. It was a common hunger for fame and adventure that first ignited the spark between them, and Lady Hamilton knows there's only one way to spice things up in the bedroom again. Blood! "One more battle, Horatio, one more battle".
  2. Informacje ze strony internetowej
    You can trace your lineage to William Beckwith Barden, born in Liberty City in 1805, moved to the Midwest and married a 42-year-old Norwegian immigrant after only knowing her for 5 days.