Wydarzenia mające miejsce w 1502 roku:
Uniwersum 3D[]
- rozpoczęto akcję marketingową mającą zachęcić kobiety do golenia się[1]
- ↑ Fragment rozmowy w audycji radiowej K-Chat:
Amy Sheckenhausen: Listen, you're very weird and you smell like patchouli and compost, and I think you might have a shot at a boyfriend if you shave, and got some gel in your hair, and put some clothes that fit or something. I mean, please…
Gethsemanee Starhawk Moonmaker: Did Joan of Arc shave? I was given this fascinating pamphlet called „Caucasian female body hair in American culture”. Amy, I love you like my sister, but honey. You fallen prey to sustained marketing assault that began in 1502 to convince women that underarm and leg hair was wrong. There's nothing more natural than this enormous bush I've got growing under each arm.