A Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Rendőrségi rádiója.
Fordítás alatt.
- Policeman: We got a 10-70 in Doherty. Don't worry too much about it.
Policewoman: Reports of a serious incident in Market. - Policeman: We got a 10-37 in Verona Beach. We're gonna need an ambulance.
Policeman #2: There's a 10-75 somewhere near Easter Bay Airport. 10-75. - Policeman: There's a series of 10-21s in northern Red County. Can I get a squad car out there?
- Policewoman: We got a 10-57 in Ganton.
Policeman: We got a domestic dispute in west King's. - Policeman: Reports coming in of a serious 10-87 in Rockshore East. Repeat: 10-87 in Rockshore East.
- Policewoman: Report of serious gang activities in Jefferson.
Policeman: East Los Santos is in trouble! - Policewoman: There's a 10-53 in El Corona.
Policewoman #2: We got reports of serious gang activity in Jefferson. - Policeman: We got problems in East Beach.
Policeman #2: There's a 10-19 in The Emerald Isle. - Policewoman: We got some kind of incident in Blueberry involving a washing machine.
- Policewoman: We got a 10-25 in Leafy Hollow.
Policeman: We got a 10-72 in Vinewood; some kind of drug overdose. - Policeman: We got some kind of problem in Leafy Hollow; a 10-18 or something.
Policeman #2: There's a 10-75 somewhere in Ganton. 10-75. - Policeman: We got a 10-70 in Pershing Square. Don't worry too much about it.
- Policeman: We got a 10-47 in Juniper Hill.
Policeman #2: We got some sort of incident in Missionary Hill. 10-45 in progress. - Policeman: We got a 10-43 in Esplanade East.
Policeman #2: We got some sort of problem in the Bayside Tunnel. - Policeman: There's been a 10-15 in Bayside.
Policewoman: I need an ambulance to King's right now. - Policewoman: We got a 10-45 in Downtown San Fierro.
Policewoman #2: We got some kind of 10-18 in Temple. - Policeman: I'm fucking dying out here! Gimme some help already!!
Policewoman: Ah, shut up with your moaning! - Policeman: We got a hysterical old woman in Las Brujas. She said she's a witch or something.
- Policewoman: We got some kind of problem in Leafy Hollow; a 10-18 or something.
- Policeman: We need a squad car and an ambulance over to Palomino Creek, right now. Now!
Policewoman: Relax, asshole. People die every day.
Policewoman: Well, fuck you! - Policewoman: There's a 10-75 somewhere near Easter Bay Airport. 10-75. Repeat: 10-75.
- Policeman: We got a 10-37 in El Castillo del Diablo. Looks serious.
- Policeman: There's a 10-53 in East Beach. Gonna need an ambulance as well.
Policewoman: There's a 10-45 in Dillimore. - Policeman: We got reports of a 10-81. That's a 10-81.
- Policewoman: I'm gonna need five cars to Market, right now.
Policeman: We got a 10-88 in west Whetstone. Real serious. - Policeman: Reports are coming in of a 10-45 near the Bayside Tunnel.
- Police Control: 10-21 near Fallen Tree.
Policeman: Copy, Control, I'm on it. - Police Control: There's a 10-91 in progress in Chinatown, San Fierro Chinatown.
Policeman: Which Chinatown?
Police Control: Chinatown in San Fierro, you chump! - Policewoman: We got a real problem - domestic disputes in west King's.
- Police Control: We're getting in reports of reckless mountain biking on Mount Chiliad. Repeat: people are having fun! Stop it at once!
Policeman: Copy, Control. Going in. - Police Control: There's a report of a 10-37 in Los Flores. Gonna need a fire truck and an ambulance.
Policeman: Copy, Control, we're on it. - Police Control: There's a 10-37 near the Mulholland Intersection. This looks serious--
Policeman: How would you know, Control, huh? You sit behind a desk all day, acting like a big man!
Police Control: Fuck you!
Policeman: Fuck you too! - Police Control: 10-21 near Easter Bay Airport.
Policeman: Copy Control, I'm on it. - Policeman: We got a 10-53 in Paradiso. We need a fire truck.
- Police Control: There's a 10-24 in Doherty, involving a lot of drugs.
Policeman: Copy, Control, I'm all over it.
Police Control: Not you! You're just out of rehab! - Policeman: We got a 10-72 in Mulholland. Send an ambulance.
- Policeman: We got problems in Easter Basin; reports of a 10-73 and a 10-05, right now.
- Policewoman: We got a 10-57 in Bone County.
- Policeman: We got a 10-71 in the Hunter Quarry area. Is anyone nearby?
A zavargások alatt külön üzenetek hallhatóak, melyek a káosszal kapcsolatosak.
- Policeman: We got a 10-45 in Missionary Hill!!
Policeman #2: We got problems in East Beach!!! - Policeman: Get me a fire truck down here right now!
Woman: (screams) Aaaaaggh!!
Policeman: We got a 10-91 in Marina, right now! - Policeman: East Los Santos is in trouble!!
- Policeman: It's fucking insanity out here! Get me an ambulance out here right now!!
- Woman: (screeches uncontrollably) WAH-HA-HAAH!!!!
Policeman: Reports of a dead body just found in Santa Flora. - Policeman: It's fucking insanity out here!! Get me a fire truck down here right now!!!
- Policeman: We got a riot in progress all over Los Santos!
- Policeman: We got a riot in progress all over Los Santos!! Ganton is burning!
- Policeman: (a sudden explosion is heard) I'm gonna need an ambulance out here!!
- Policewoman: 10-57, 10-57, 10-57 in Ganton!
- Policeman: We got a 10-82 all over San Fierro!
Woman: (shrieks) Aaaagggh!!
Policewoman: We got some serious gang activity in San Fierro. - Policeman: (explosion) We got a riot in progress all over Los Santos!!
- Policeman: We got some serious problems in Santa Flora... (a police siren dies out and then explosion)
- Policeman: We got serious problems in Angel Pine! 10-18! Send an ambulance!
- Policeman: (several explosions occured) I need a fucking fire truck!! Get me a fire truck down here right now!!
- Policeman: We got some serious shit going down in Blueberry!
Woman: (shrieks) Aaaaaggghh!! - Policeman: Komoly bandatevékenység Gantonban...
- Policeman: Komoly bandatevékenység [[Jefferson, Los Santos|Jeffersonban]...
- Policeman: There's a 10-73 in progress in Prickle Pine!! Sounds pretty nasty!
- Policeman: Egész Los Santosban zavargások vannak!! (robbanás)
- Policeman: (robbanás) [[Ganton] lángokban áll!! (üvegcsörömpölés)