Ez a cikk vagy szakasz olyan tartalmat foglal magában, mely csak az Xbox One, a PlayStation 4, és a PC kiadatásokban szerepel a Grand Theft Auto V-ön belül. Tehát ezek nem jelennek meg az Xbox 360 vagy a PlayStation 3 verziókban. Ha látni szeretnéd a teljes listát a GTA V funkcióiról a "továbbfejlesztett" változatban, kérjük, kattints ide. |
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„Introducing Benny’s Original Motor Works, a new customs shop in downtown Strawberry that offers a huge range of lowrider customizations that can turn your classic junker into a high-spec, tricked-out king of the streets.”
A Benny's Original Motor Works egy autó tuningműhely a Grand Theft Auto Onlineban, amely a GTA Online: Lowriders frissítés részeként került bele a játékba. Kizárólag az Xbox One, PlayStation 4 és PC változatokban található meg. Egyjátékos módban sem érhető el.
Main Page cover in Grand Theft Auto Online.
A Benny's Original Motor Works garázsában a játékosok különleges tuningokkal láthatják el járműveiket: hidraulikával, egyedi festésekkel, beltér-módosításokkal. Ellentétben a Los Santos Customsszal, ahol minden autó tuningolható, Benny's-nél csak néhány járművelt lehet módosítani.
A tuning előtt a járműveket fel kell javítani "custom" változattá, hogy a valódi buherálás egyáltalán kezdetét vehesse. Ez elég jelentős összeg ellenében történik meg. Benny weboldalán (URL:Bennysoriginalmotorworks.com) is megvásárolhatóak a tuningolható autók - jelenleg 6 féle -, és a Showroomban néhány elkészült tuning képét is megnézhetjük.
A módosítások ugyanolyan rendszerben vannak, mint a Los Santos Customsban - az Update-tel logikusabbá tették ennek a menüjét.
Típus | Név (Átalakítva) | Alap vételár | Kép | Átalakítás ára | Átalakítás után |
Sportautó | Bravado Banshee (900R) | 105.000$ (Megjegyzés: megvásárolható egy másik weboldalon is) |
565.000$ | ||
Izomautó | Albany Buccaneer (Custom) | 29.000$ | 390.000$ | ||
Izomautó | Vapid Chino (Custom) | 225.000$ (Megjegyzés: megvásárolható egy másik weboldalon is) |
180.000$ | ||
Motorkerékpár | Principe Diabolus (Custom) | 169.000$ | 245.000$ | ||
Sportautó | Pfister Comet (Retro Custom) | 100.000$ (Megjegyzés: megvásárolható egy másik weboldalon is) |
645.000$ | ||
Sportautó | Annis Elegy RH8 (Retro Custom) | 95.000$ INGYENES (Megjegyzés: megvásárolható egy másik weboldalon is) |
904.000$ | ||
Izomautó | Willard Faction (Custom/Custom Donk) | 36.000$ | ![]() |
335.000$ (Custom) 695.000$ (Donk) |
Motorkerékpár | Pegassi FCR 1000 (Custom) | 135.000$ | ![]() |
196.000$ | |
Szuperautó | Progen Itali GTB (Custom) | 1.189.000$ | ![]() |
495.000$ | |
Furgon | Vapid Minivan (Custom) | 30.000$ (Megjegyzés: megvásárolható egy másik weboldalon is) |
![]() |
330.000$ | |
Izomautó | Declasse Moonbeam (Custom) | 32.500$ | ![]() |
370.000$ | |
Szuperautó | Truffade Nero (Custom) | 1.440.000$ | ![]() |
605.000$ | |
Szedán | Albany Primo (Custom) | 9000$ (Megjegyzés: megvásárolható egy másik weboldalon is) |
400.000$ | ||
Izomautó | Declasse Sabre Turbo (Custom) | 15.000$ (Megjegyzés: 2016. április 19-én jelent meg) |
490.000$ | ||
Izomautó | Vapid Slamvan (Custom) | 49.500$ (Megjegyzés: megvásárolható egy másik weboldalon is) |
415.000$ | ||
Sportautó | Dewbauchee Specter (Custom) | 599.000$ | 252.000$ | ||
Sportautó | Karin Sultan (RS) | 12.000$ | 795.000$ | ||
Klasszikus sportautó | Declasse Tornado (Custom) | 30.000$ (Megjegyzés: 2016. április 4-én jelent meg) |
375.000$ | ||
Izomautó | Dundreary Virgo Classic (Custom) | 165.000$ | 240.000$ | ||
Izomautó | Declasse Voodoo (Custom) | 5500$ | 420.000$ |
A Benny's Original Motor Works minden módosítást beletesz a 6 járműbe - azokat is, amiket a Los Santos Customsben is meg lehet venni. Az alábbi módosításokat csak a Benny's-ben lehet megvenni de ha már megvettük, módosíthatóak bármelyik tuninggarázsban.
Fő kategória: Chassis | ||||||||
Alkategória: Arch Covers | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | First Color Arch Covers $8208 | |||||||
Option 2 | Secondary Color Arch Covers $8721 | |||||||
Option 3 | Chrome Detail Arch Covers $9234 | |||||||
Alkategória: Aerials | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | No Antenna | Classic Aerials $2736 | ||||||
Option 2 | Chrome Antenna | Roof Aerial $2907 | ||||||
Option 3 | Classic Antenna | Spring Aerial $3078 | ||||||
Option 4 | Dual Chrome Antenna | |||||||
Alkategória: Trim | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Primary Color Painted Wipers | Blue Pattern $5928 | ||||||
Option 2 | Secondary Color Painted Wipers | Pink Pattern $6298 | ||||||
Option 3 | Chrome Wipers | Green Pattern $6669 | ||||||
Option 4 | Three Stripes $7039 | |||||||
Option 5 | Three Stripes 2 $7410 | |||||||
Option 6 | Blue Wave $7595 | |||||||
Option 7 | Purple Wave $7779 | |||||||
Option 8 | Green Wave $7965 | |||||||
Alkategória: Tank | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Secondary Color Tank | Secondary Color Tank | Livery Tank | Secondary Color Tank $6384 | ||||
Option 2 | Chrome Tank | Primary Color Tank | Chrome Tank | Chrome Tank $6783 | ||||
Option 3 | Chrome Tank | Livery Tank $7182 | ||||||
Fő kategória: Engine | ||||||||
Alkategória: Engine Block | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers | V8 - Painted Livery Covers | V8 - Painted Covers | V8 - Painted Covers | V8 - Painted Covers | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers $42864 | ||
Option 2 | V8 - Chromed Covers | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers | V8 - Chromed Covers $45543 | ||
Option 3 | V8 - Chromed Ribbed Covers | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers | V8 - Painted Ribbed Covers | V8 - Chromed Covers $48222 | ||
Option 4 | V8 - Painted Livery Covers | V8 - Chromed Ribbed Covers | V8 - Chromed Ribbed Covers | V8 - Chromed Ribbed Covers | V8 - Chromed Ribbed Covers | V8 - Painted Livery Covers $50901 | ||
Option 5 | V8 - Engraved Chromed Covers | V8 - Painted Livery Covers | ||||||
Option 6 | V8 - Painted Livery Covers | |||||||
Alkategória: Air Filters | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Chrome Air Filter | Chrome Air Filter | Chrome Air Filter | Chrome Air Filter | Chrome Air Filter | Chrome Air Filter $31008 | ||
Option 2 | Twin Air Filter | Twin Air Filter | Twin Air Filter | Twin Air Filter | Twin Air Filter | Twin Air Filter $32946 | ||
Option 3 | Vertical Ram Pipes | Sweptback Ram Pipes | Sweptback Ram Pipes | Vertical Ram Pipes | Vertical Ram Pipes | Vertical Ram Pipes $34884 | ||
Option 4 | Engraved Air Filter | Sweptback Ram Pipes | Sweptback Ram Pipes | |||||
Option 5 | Big Turbo Kit | Big Turbo Kit | ||||||
Fő kategória: Hydraulics | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Standard Pumps | Painted Pumps | Quad Pumps (4 in a row) | Chrome Pumps | Chrome Pumps | Standard Pumps $118750 | ||
Option 2 | Chrome Pumps | Chrome Twin Pumps | Chrome Twin Pumps | Quad Pumps (4 in a row) | Quad Pumps (4 in a row) | Chrome Pumps $190000 | ||
Option 3 | Quad Pumps (4 in a row) | Quad Pumps (2 by 2) | Quad Pumps (2 by 2) | Quad Pumps (2 by 2) | Quad Pumps (2 by 2) | Quad Pumps (4 in a row) $237500 | ||
Option 4 | Quad Pumps (2 by 2) | Triple Pump Stack | Quad Pumps (V-Pattern) | Quad Pumps (V-Pattern) | Quad Pumps (V-Pattern) | Quad Pumps (2 by 2) $261250 | ||
Option 5 | Quad Pumps (V-Pattern) | Quad Pumps (V-Pattern) | ||||||
Fő kategória: Interior | ||||||||
Alkategória: Trim Design | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Luxury Velour | Premium Custom Interior | Interior Color Custom Interior | Beaded Seat Covers | Luxury Velour | Luxury Velour $36936 | ||
Option 2 | Luxury Leopard Fur | Premium Custom Interior (Neon) | Interior Color Extreme Dashboard | Luxury Velour | Luxury Leopard Fur | Luxury Leopard Fur $39244 | ||
Option 3 | Luxury Tiger Fur | Extreme Custom Interior | Primary Color Custom Interior | Luxury Zebra Fur | Luxury Tiger Fur | Luxury Tiger Fur $41553 | ||
Option 4 | Luxury Zebra Fur | Extreme Custom Interior (Neon) | Primary Color Extreme Dashboard | Luxury Tiger Fur | Luxury Zebra Fur | Luxury Zebra Fur $43861 | ||
Option 5 | Luxury Crocodile Skin | Luxury Leopard Fur | Luxury Crocodile Skin | Luxury Crocodile Skin $46170 | ||||
Option 6 | Leather Striped Interior | Leather Striped Interior | Leather Striped Interior $47324 | |||||
Option 7 | Leather Striped Leopard | Leather Striped Leopard | Leather Striped Leopard $48477 | |||||
Option 8 | Leather Striped Tiger | Leather Striped Tiger | Leather Striped Tiger $49632 | |||||
Option 9 | Leather Striped Zebra | Leather Striped Zebra | Leather Striped Zebra $50787 | |||||
Option 10 | Leather Striped Crocodile Skin | Leather Striped Crocodile Skin | Leather Striped Crocodile Skin $51941 | |||||
Option 11 | Leather Striped Camo | Leather Striped Camo | Leather Striped Camo §53095 | |||||
Option 12 | Leather Striped Digital Camo | Leather Striped Digital Camo | Leather Striped Digital Camo §54248 | |||||
Alkategória: Trim Color | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Options | 160+ | 160+ | 160+ | 160+ | 160+ | 160+ | ||
Alkategória: Dial | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Plain Jane | Plain Jane | Street Racer | Plain Jane | Plain Jane | Plain Jane $13224 | ||
Option 2 | Flames | I Came I Saw | Skull Face | Flames | Flames | Gang Land $14050 | ||
Option 3 | Old School Skull | Old School Skull | Scorpion | Old School Skull | Old School Skull | Custom Pattern $14877 | ||
Option 4 | Sun God | Snek | Load Of Bull | Sun God | Sun God | Energize $15703 | ||
Option 5 | Classic 30's | Wager | Circular | Classic 30's | Classic 30's | Plain Jane (Negative) $16530 | ||
Option 6 | Rocker Style | Beast | Shaman | Rocker Style | Rocker Style | Gang Land (Negative) $16943 | ||
Option 7 | Voodoo Skull | Voodoo Skull | Feeling Lucky | Voodoo Skull | Voodoo Skull | Custom Pattern (Negative) $17356 | ||
Option 8 | Plain Jane (Negative) | Steet Racer (Negative) | Plain Jane (Negative) | Plain Jane (Negative) | Energize (Negative) $17769 | |||
Option 9 | Flames (Negative) | Skull Face (Negative) | Flames (Negative) | Flames (Negative) | ||||
Option 10 | Old School Skull (Negative) | Scorpion (Negative) | Old School Skull (Negative) | Old School Skull (Negative) | ||||
Option 11 | Sun God (Negative) | Load Of Bull (Negative) | Sun God (Negative) | Sun God (Negative) | ||||
Option 12 | Classic 30's (Negative) | Circular (Negative) | Classic 30's (Negative) | Classic 30's (Negative) | ||||
Option 13 | Rocker Style (Negative) | Shaman (Negative) | Rocker Style (Negative) | Rocker Style (Negative) | ||||
Option 14 | Voodoo skull (Negative) | Feeling Lucky (Negative) | Voodoo skull (Negative) | Voodoo skull (Negative) | ||||
Alkategória: Doors | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Po' Man's Door Speakers | |||||||
Option 2 | Basic Door Speakers | |||||||
Option 3 | Advanced Door Speakers | |||||||
Option 4 | Audiophile Door Speakers | |||||||
Option 5 | Extreme Door Speakers | |||||||
Alkategória: Seats | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Custom Leather Seats | |||||||
Alkategória: Steering Wheels (Minden kocsinál egyforma) | ||||||||
* Three Way $12768 * The Toad $13566 * Street Rod $14364 * Two Retro $15162 * Greaser $15960 * Rockabilly $16359 * Old School Cool $16758 * Vintage Racer $17157 * Burnout $17556 * Got Wood? $17955 * Restomod $18354 * La Bomba $18753 * Chain Link $19152 * Starry Eyed $19551 * Deco $19950 * Cruzer $20349 | ||||||||
Alkategória: Column Shifter Levers (Minden kocsinál egyforma) | ||||||||
* 8-Ball $3648 * Eyeball $3876 * Lucky Dice $4104 * All Seeing Eye $4332 * Grenade $4560 * Smmoooking! $4347 * Top O The Morning $4788 * Too Beaucup $4902 * King Lear $5016 * Old School Mic $5130 * Piston $5244 * Gemset $5358 * 6-Shooter $5472 * Pistola $5586 * Pisswasser Pump $5700 | ||||||||
Alkategória: Plaques (Minden kocsinál egyforma) | ||||||||
* Eastside $6384 * Westside $6783 * Low Santos $7182 * Magnetics Script $7581 * Magnetics Block $7980 * Boars $8179 * Vagos $8379 * San Andreas $8578 * San Andreas Initials $8778 * Davis Los Santos $8977 * Benny's $9177 * Eastside (Neon) $9376 * Westside (Neon) $9576 * Low Santos (Neon) $9775 * Magnetics Script (Neon) $9975 * Magnetics Block (Neon) $10174 * Boars (Neon) $10374 * Vagos (Neon)$10573 * San Andreas (Neon) $10773 * San Andreas Initials (Neon) * Davis Los Santos (Neon) * Benny's (Neon) | ||||||||
Alkategória: ICE | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Triple Sub Shelf Install | Square Speaker Shelf | Square Speaker Shelf | |||||
Option 2 | Triple Sub Shelf Install (Neon) | Round Speaker Shelf | Round Speaker Shelf | |||||
Option 3 | Extreme Rear Shelf Install | Premium Sub Trunk Install | ||||||
Option 4 | Extreme Rear Shelf Install (Neon) | Extreme Shelf Install | ||||||
Alkategória: Light Color | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Options | 160+ | 160+ | 160+ | 160+ | 160+ | 160+ | ||
Fő kategória: Livery | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Classic Blue Pinstripe | Simple Pinstripe | Classic Gold Pinstripe | Gold Border Pinstripe | Classic White Pinstripe | Classic Green Pinstripe $17328 | ||
Option 2 | Classic White Pinstripe | Embellished Pinstripe | Classic Red Pinstripe | Gold Outline Pinstripe | Classic Blue Pinstripe | Classic Blue Pinstripe $18411 | ||
Option 3 | Outline Blue Pinstripe | Silver Leaf Outline | Blue Retro Stripes | White Outline Pinstripe | Outline Blue Pinstripe | Green Pinstripe & Mural $19494 | ||
Option 4 | Outline Gold Pinstripe | Red Floral | Red Retro Stripes | Faded Outline Pinstripe | Thick Gold Pinstripe | Blue Pinstripe & Mural $20577 | ||
Option 5 | Thick Blue Pinstripe | Yellow Floral | Bring Back The 90's | Tribalistic | Retro Scallops | Elaborately Blue $21660 | ||
Option 6 | Thick Red Pinstripe | Achromatic | Blue Faders | Sunburst | Dark Classic Outline | Elaborately Orange $22201 | ||
Option 7 | Gold Furiously Floral | Aquatic | Pure Geometry | Moonburst | Gold Classic Outline | Labyrinthic Geometry $22742 | ||
Option 8 | Blue Furiously Floral | Blue & Gold Leaf | Scalloped Stripes | Aztlan | Green Geometric | Native Shapes $23284 | ||
Option 9 | Purple Furiously Floral | Burgundy Gang | Pure Graphics | Decorative Filled Pinstripe | Retro Flames | The Succubus $23826 | ||
Fő kategória: Plates | ||||||||
Alkategória: Plateholder (Minden kocsinál egyforma) | ||||||||
* Golfist * Twisted * Low N Slow * Barbed Wire * Hawaiian * Davy Jones * Chain * Magnetics Chain * Bike Chain * Flaming Skull * Pitbull * Flames * Magnetics Classic | ||||||||
Alkategória: Vanity Plates (Minden kocsinál egyforma) | ||||||||
* Benny's Silver * Benny's Classic * Benny's Gold On Black * Benny's Gold On Blue * Albany * Declasse * Willard * Vapid * LS Panic * Liberty Penetrators * LS Shrimps * The Pounders * True Patriot * Magnetics Letterman * Magnetics Monogram * Magnetics Classic | ||||||||
Fő kategória: Trunk | ||||||||
Chino | Primo | Moonbeam | Faction | Buccaneer | Voodoo | |||
Option 1 | Speaker Box Shelf | Small Custom Sub Install | Square Speaker Shelf | Twin Sub Trunk Install | Twin Sub Trunk Install | Speaker Box Shelf | ||
Option 2 | Square Speaker Shelf | Twin Sub Trunk Install | Round Speaker Shelf | Triple Sub Trunk Install | Triple Sub Trunk Install | Square Speaker Shelf | ||
Option 3 | Round Speaker Shelf | Twin Sub Trunk Install (Neon) | Big Sub Speaker Shelf | Premium Sub Trunk Install | Kustom Trunk Audio Install | Square Speaker Shelf (Neon) | ||
Option 4 | Round Speaker Shelf (Neon) | Premium Sub Trunk Install | Premium Wall of Sound | Big Sub Audio Trunk Install | Round Speaker Shelf | |||
Option 5 | Twin Sub Trunk Install | Premium Sub Trunk Install (Neon) | Extreme Wall of Sound | Premium Sub Trunk Install | Round Speaker Shelf (Neon) | |||
Option 6 | Twin Sub Trunk Install (Neon) | Extreme Trunk Audio Install | Extreme Trunk Audio install | |||||
Option 7 | Triple Sub Trunk Install | Extreme Trunk Audio Install (Neon) | Insane Trunk Audio Install | |||||
Option 8 | Triple Sub Trunk Install (Neon) | |||||||
Fő kategória: Wheels | ||||||||
Alkategória: Benny's Original's (Minden kocsinál egyforma) | ||||||||
* OG Hunnets $38250 * OG Hunnets (Chrome Lip) $27750 * Knock-Offs $38550 * Knock-Offs (Chrome Lip) $28050 * Spooked Out $38850 * Spooked Out (Chrome Lip) $28350 * Vintage Wire $39150 * Vintage Wire (Chrome Lip) $28650 * Smoothie $39750 * Smoothie (Chrome Lip) * Smoothie (Solid Color) * Rod Me Up * Rod Me Up (Chrome Lip) * Rod Me Up (Solid color) * Clean * Lotta Chrome * Spindles * Viking * Triple Spoke * Pharaoe * Tiger Style * Three wheelin' * Big Bar * Biohazard * Waves * Lick Lick * Spiralizer * Hypnotics * Psycho-Delic * Half cut * Super Electric |
- Strangely, once modifications are purchased at Benny's Original Motor Works in GTA-Online, they can be removed and/or re-purchased at any Los Santos Customs workshop, or at Beeker's Garage, regardless of the fact they are supposed to be exclusive to Benny's. Any modifications not purchased can also be purchased at Los Santos Custom (or Beeker's Garage) after visiting Benny's. During story mode the exclusive modifications aren't available at any mod garage, and need to be applied by using otherwise unconventional ways such as mods.
- Also strange is the fact that none of the cars in the game that could previously accept lowrider-type cosmetic modifications (the Manana, the Peyote and the Tornado) are eligible for alteration at Benny's.
- Their website features the logo of two possible car brands never seen before in the franchise, Fukaru and Chepalle.
- Az Update előtt az épületen nem volt graffiti. Ez az állapot az egyjátékos módban továbbra is megfigyelhető.
- After the update was released, a Benny's Original Motor Works cap was obtainable if the players logged on GTA Online during October 25, 2015 which was part of the event weekend.
- Despite claiming the custom shop only works on or accepts the lowriders specified on his website, a Banshee, Peyote and a sheeted-over Cheetah can be seen inside the garage.
- On the left pillar of the garage entry, graffiti resembling the original "GROVE ST 4 LIFE" tag from San Andreas can be observed, albeit in white.
- Ha egyjátékos módban próbálod meglátogatni a weboldalt, akkor egy 'Karbantartás Alatt' (Under Construction) szöveg fog fogadni.
Lásd még[]
- Loco Low Co. - Lowrider tuningműhely a Grand Theft Auto: San Andreasban.