Tämä on luettelo Grand Theft Auto IV -pelin tehtävistä. Tehtävistä The Lost And Damnedissa ja tehtävistä The Ballad of the Gay Tonyssa on omat artikkelit.
GTA IV:ssä monet tehtävät ovat saatavilla eri aikoihin, joten tämä sivu ei ole kronologinen lista. Kuitenkin jotkut tehtävät vapautuvat vasta kun toisia tehtäviä on suoritettu. Tämä lista esittää tehtävät yhdessä mahdollisessa järjestelyssä.
Tehtäviä on 91, ja ne ovat seuraavat:
- The Cousins Bellic
- It's Your Call
- Three's a Crowd
- Bleed Out
- First Date
- Easy Fare
- Jamaican Heat
- Bull in a China Shop
- Hung Out to Dry
- Clean Getaway
- Ivan The Not So Terrible
- Concrete Jungle
- Uncle Vlad
- Crime and Punishment
- Do You Have Protection?
- Shadow
- Final Destination
- Logging On
- No Love Lost
- Rigged to Blow
- The Master and the Molotov
- Russian Revolution
- Roman's Sorrow
- Escuela of the Streets
- Street Sweeper
- Luck of the Irish
- Blow Your Cover
- Search and Delete
- Easy as Can Be
- Out of the Closet
- No. 1
- The Puerto Rican Connection
- The Snow Storm
- Have a Heart
- Call and Collect
- Harboring a Grudge
- Waste Not Want Knots
- Three Leaf Clover
- Final Interview
- Holland Nights
- Lure
- Actions Speak Louder than Words
- I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle
- Deconstruction for Beginners
- Ruff Rider
- Undress to Kill
- Photo Shoot
- Hostile Negotiation
- The Holland Play
- Wrong is Right
- Portrait of a Killer
- Dust Off
- Paper Trail
- A Long Way to Fall
- Smackdown
- Babysitting
- Tunnel of Death
- Blood Brothers
- Undertaker
- Taking in the Trash
- Meltdown
- I'll Take Her...
- Museum Piece
- No Way on the Subway
- Late Checkout
- Weekend at Florian's
- ...I'll Take Her
- She's a Keeper
- Hating the Haters
- Union Drive
- Buoys Ahoy
- Truck Hustle
- Pegorino's Pride
- Payback
- Catch the Wave
- Trespass
- To Live and Die in Alderney
- Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
- Entourage
- Flatline
- Pest Control
- Dining Out
- Liquidize the Assets
- That Special Someone
- One Last Thing
Mahdollinen loppu #1[]
- If the Price is Right
- Mr and Mrs Bellic
- A Revenger's Tragedy