Radio Broker on raadiojaam mängudes Grand Theft Auto IV ja Episodes from Liberty City, mis mängib nüüdisaegset rokkmuusikat.
Radio Broker on Brooklyni boheemlaslike hipsterite ilming. Raadiojaam mängib peamiselt moodsat alternatiiv-, indie- ning eletroonilist rokkmuusikat väga erineva taustaga artistidelt.
See raadiojaam on eelistatud Mori Kibbutzi, Brucie Kibbutzi ning Liberty City triaadide jõugu poolt.
- The Boggs - "Arm in Arm (Shy Child Mix)" (2008)
- Cheeseburger - "Cocaine" (2005)
- Get Shakes - "Disneyland, Pt 1" (2007)
- LCD Soundsystem - "Get Innocuous" (2007)
- The Prairie Cartel - "Homicide" (2008)
- Juliette and the Licks - "Inside the Cage (David Gilmour Girls remix)" (2008)
- UNKLE feat. The Duke Spirit - "Mayday" (2007)
- The Rapture - "No Sex for Ben" (2008)
- Tom Vek - "One Horse Race" (2005)
- Teenager - "Pony" (2006)
- Les Savy Fav - "Raging in the Plague Age" (2007)
- White Light Parade - "Riot in the City" (2007)
- Deluka - "Sleep is Impossible" (2007)
- The Black Keys - "Strange Times" (2008)
- The Pistolas - "Take it With a Kiss" (2007)
- Ralph Myerz - "The Teacher" (2006)
- Greenskeepers - "Vagabond" (2008)
- Whitey - "Wrap it Up" (2006)
- !!! - "Yadnus (Still Going to the Roadhouse mix)" (2007)
Episodes from Libery City
- Blonde Acid Cult - "Shake It Loose" (2007)
- Kill Memory Crash - "Hell on Wheels" (2008)
- Magic Dirt - "Get Ready to Die" (2008)
- Brazilian Girls - "Nouveau Americain" (2008)
- Freeland - "Borderline" (2009)
- Kreeps - "The Hunger (Blood in My Mouth)" (2009)
- Japanther - "Radical Businessman" (2008)
- Foxylane - "Command" (2009)
- Monotonix - "Body Language" (2008)
- Game Rebellion - "Dance Girl (GTA MIX)" (2009)
- The Yelling - "Blood on the Steps" (2008)
- The Jane Shermans - "I Walk Alone" (2008)
- The Boggs - "Arm in Arm (Shy Child Mix)" (2008)
- Cheeseburger - "Cocaine" (2005)
- Get Shakes - "Disneyland, Pt 1" (2007)
- LCD Soundsystem - "Get Innocuous" (2007)
- The Prairie Cartel - "Homicide" (2008)
- Juliette and the Licks - "Inside the Cage (David Gilmour Girls remix)" (2008)
- UNKLE feat. The Duke Spirit - "Mayday" (2007)
- The Rapture - "No Sex for Ben" (2008)
- Tom Vek - "One Horse Race" (2005)
- Teenager - "Pony" (2006)
- Les Savy Fav - "Raging in the Plague Age" (2007)
- White Light Parade - "Riot in the City" (2007)
- Deluka - "Sleep is Impossible" (2007)
- The Black Keys - "Strange Times" (2008)
- The Pistolas - "Take it With a Kiss" (2007)
- Ralph Myerz - "The Teacher" (2006)
- Greenskeepers - "Vagabond" (2008)
- Whitey - "Wrap it Up" (2006)
- !!! - "Yadnus (Still Going to the Roadhouse mix)" (2007)