Grand Theft Encyclopedia
Grand Theft Encyclopedia
Grand Theft Encyclopedia

Kidda es una cancion estilo hindu compuesta por Natacha Atlas, aparece en Radio del Mundo en el juego Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories.


ya leil

O night

ah leish ya habibi

Oh Why, my love

habibi leish

My love, why

habibi leish kidda w'ana ba hibbak

My Love why are you like that (cruel) when I love you so?



habibi leish

My love, Why

habibi leish kidda w'ana bahhibak

My love, why are you like that, when I love you?

habibi leish kidda w'ana bahhibak

My love, why are you like that, when I love you?



Ana, ana aarifak bit hibini

I, I know that you love me

leish ya zaman

Why, oh the time that passes

ya rouhi

My soul

ah fein el adelah, ya saadet el adi

Oh where is the justice, your honour the judge?

ah ma feesh rahma fi yiddak

Oh there is no mercy at your hands

w al mout indak aadi

Literally: Death to you is ordinary (we Arabs have a tendency

for melodrama) What she means: my torment, to you is nothing.

ah leish

Oh why?

habibi leish kidda

My love, why like that?

w'ana bahibbak

When I love you so?

Inta khaletni ahibbak

You made me love you

leish leish leish

Why, why, why

ya sayedni

My master

ah leish

Oh Why

ah habibi

Oh my love

fi yom, ha tiwagih massirak wa totlob rahhma min elhami

One day you will face your fate and ask for mercy from my

inspiration (ie she will get her justice)

ah rouhi

Oh my soul

aazeyt, aazeyt, aazeyt

I have mourned, mourned, mourned

ma feesh rahma fi yaddik

There is no mercy at your hands

w'il mout indak aadi

And death to you is ordinary ( my torment to you is nothing)

