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Hotel-Clifton-Logo, VC

Das Hotel-Clifton-Logo


Das Hotel-Clarice-Logo

Das Hotel Clifton ist ein Hotel aus Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, das auf dem gleichnamigen Clifton South Beach Hotel in Miami basiert. In Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition wurde es in „Hotel Clarice“ umbenannt.

Hotels in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City und Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Alberta Hotel | Brodie’s Hotel | Beachcomber Hotel | Colon Hotel | Dakota Hotel | Deacon Hotel | Ducum Inn | Hooker Inn Express | Hotel | Hotel Clifton | Hotel Harrison | Laurence Hotel | Marina Sands Hotel | Midland Hotel | Moist Palms Hotel | Moonlite Hotel | Maison Wenifall | Ocean Front Hotel | Ocean View Hotel | Parsons Hotel | Russell Hotel | San Felis Hotel | Standing Vice Point | Van Khoff On The Beach | Vice Point Langer | WK Chariot Hotel | 1412 Hotel